Chapter 2

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I called Steven to come and meet my new daughter because he is my best friend since we are married on the show.1 hour later he got to my house.And he got along with Violet greatly.After he left I invited my on screen sister Emily to meet Violet next.


When Steven left Emily came.She was the nicest person I ever met.She wanted to take me shopping for more things cause Lauren told her I only have some stuff.We get to the mall and I get:
-2 snapbacks
-5 pairs of black leggings
-3 pairs of different colored leggings (as you can tell I like leggings)
-2 walking dead shirts
-a phone(my first one ever,it was a white 5s)
-2 different walking dead cases
-1 ombré case that was pink and turned to blue
-3 shirts(5sos,1d,and Nash Grier)
-1 beanie that was gray

I got home and Lauren saw everything I got.

"Wow did she spend all your money Emily,"Lauren said.

"Well not all of it but I don't care cause it was her first time shopping and don't be mad but I got her a phone,"Emily says.

"Why would I be mad and really her first time,"Lauren says.

"Yes and she was so happy I got her a phone cause it's her first one,"Emily says.

"Really her first one wow,"Lauren says.

"I know right,"Emily says as they start to laugh.

I get so embarrassed that I run to my room crying.Emily and Lauren run to my room as I lock the door.I finally come out after ten minutes with tears still running down my face.They both said they were sorry and I forgave them.Lauren wiped my tears and she reminded me of April.I miss April.When Emily leaves the rest of the cast come and meet me.I like everyone but I liked Emily more cause she was like a sister to me.

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