Chapter 14

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Violet's P.O.V.

"I have to go film a scene,"My mom says as I walk to the table and grab a cookie.this is a good cookie,mmhhhhh,another one and another one.That was the moment I realized I was just talking to myself and eating 10,000 cookies so I just walked away from the table before there is none for the real actors.BAM BAM.I hear gun shots so I run and see Cory(AKA porch dick Pete)on the ground.Then I see MORGAN WALK IN."Violet you came out now we need to film it again,"Norman wines."I'm sorry Norman I guess you hate me now,"O say fake crying."I do,"Norman says as he notices me fake crying."Don't cry,"He says."I wasn't,"I say as his mouth drops wide open."You're a good actor,"He says as I run off to let them finish filming.

1 Hour Later

Me,My mom,and Chandler go to my house and when we get there me and Chandler go to my room."I'm getting a phone call I have to take this,"Chan says as he walks in the hallway and I hear him."So there is a spot for her on this team,"He asks in the phone."O.M.G.Really thank you so much,"Chan says as he hangs up and walk back into my room.Since I'm'Such A Great Actor'I test my skills and play it off like I didn't just listen to his conversation.Even though I had a million questions like"Who is this girl",or What team is she on,or the greatest question"What is for dinner."(A.N. That is the question I ask everyday but for every meal lol)

Author Note-Sorry for the short chapters lately and not posting as much,I try to write all my stories every chance I get but life is hard for a teen girl who loves food and Netflix.Hopefully you are enjoying all my stories.I usually write them when I'm about to pass out so sorry if I suck at spelling.Plus I just suck at spelling.I could never spell well.Oh yeah I was writing an author note not a story of my life.I'm really tired and it's 12:10 am.Thanks for reading!! :):):)

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