Chapter 12

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When I called Chandler I ask if we could get back together.He said yes so many times I think I was on the phone with him for about an hour."Hey Violet,"My mom says as she walks into my room."Hey,"I say."What's wrong,"She asks."Nothing,"I say not wanting to tell her I got back with Chandler just yet.We talked for a little then she left so I checked my Twitter.Violet just called me and we're back together.I saw a post Chandler posted.I read all the comments and most of them were like Yay or relationship goals.

~Ring Ring~

My phone ring so I check it.Oh look the slut going around with all the men is now stealing.Only one person would text me that.HANNAH.


"Violet Chandler's here to see you,"My mom yells."I missed your cute face,"He says standing at my door."Hey,"I say as he walks over to me and we start making out."Hey the studio is calling you Chand...,"My mom says as she sees us."What happened to you and Sam,"She says."I didn't want you to found out like this but I'm pregnant with Sam's baby,"I say."What,"My mom and Chandler say at the same time.

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