Chapter 20

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I ran outside and hid behind a bush. "Boo," I hear as i turn around and scream. "OMG CHANDLER YOU ARE SUCH AN ASS,"I yell as he just falls to the ground laughing. "Violet my party did not suck YOU SUCK," Steven yells as he finds me and picks me up. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH PUT ME DOWN!" Norman walks outside then walks back in. "Wow Norman your such a good friend you know that," I scream as he yells back I know. Steven puts me down and he starts tickling me as I scream for him to stop while I laugh. Finally he stops and I run inside. "NORMAN I HATE YOU," I yell as I jump on him. After I calm down I just sit on the couch staring at the wall since my phone died. "Violet lets go sweety," My mom says.

When I get home I plug my phone in and just watch some supernatural (I started watching it and I'm obsessed)

"Violet wake up dinner is ready," I hear as I turn off the tv, must have fell asleep watch it. I walk downstairs and start eating when the door bell rings. "I'll get it," I say being a helpful kid. I open the door and see the only person I don't want to. "What are you doing here."

A.N. cliffhanger, sorry for not updating in sooooo long. I have no school until next Monday so I have a week off, even though school started last Monday. FYI I live in Houston Texas so I'm in the middle of this hurricane and I wanted to update cause I haven't in sooo long. Thank you to even for all the support. I love you all!!! 💕

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