Chapter 15

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This is a tiny little update! I hope you enjoy. The story is almost over.
I hope you like this little part of the story. Sorry it isn't very long but I wanted you to have an update :).
Don't forget to read my new story "Vote" it's Phan.

I sat on the cold bathroom floor. I haven't moved for so long just stayed on the ground. My mind is driving me crazy. I just want everything to stop.
I finally got up and walked to the dirty mirror. I just looked at myself. I didn't look at me in any form of disgust just disappointment. I was getting better what happened? I told myself I wasn't gonna give up but that changed.

I found myself thinking about ending my life. My mind was telling me yes but my gut was telling me not to. I looked at my surroundings. My eyes fell on my pills and I picked them up.

One Pill.

Two pills.

Three Pills.

And I continued till I had no more left.
Sitting back down on the floor I felt like I was being lifted from this sadness that had taken over. This darkness would disappear once in a while but it always creeps back up on me but not anymore.

I smiled as I felt my body shutting down and my eyes closed drifting off.

I opened my eyes as Louise walked in. Shocked she ran to me. I had forgotten all about our plans.

"Phil!" Louise yelled

"What are you doing? Please don't leave me too" Louise cried while calling 999

I can't remember what happened after that because I passed out.

I found myself stuck in darkness. Was I dead?
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