Chapter 3

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Chris invited me to go out tonight.

I turned him down so he Insisted that he should come over cause I won't go out.

"Hey" Chris said

"Hi" i smiled but only a half smile

"Woah you smiled yay!!" Chris said overly excited

"It's not a big deal" I said with annoyance in my voice

"It's just you haven't smiled since..." Chris said softly stopping right before he would say dan

"So what do you want to do?" I asked changing the conversation

"Anything that makes you happy" Chris said with a smile

"Wanna get some bubble tea?" I asked

"I thought you didn't want to go out..but okay" Chris spoke


It's about 1:27 am Chris left a awhile ago.

I was in bed reading when my phone vibrated.

It was a text from Tyler. (Tyler Oakley)

"Hey how you doing?"

"I'm doing okay" I texted back

"That's good well I'll text you later bye!" He texted back

I wonder what that was about.

*Hey guys please comment how I'm doing and don't forget to vote!!!!!*

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