Vic and Mike

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Here is Vic's cancer story.

*I know Mike couldn't be Vic's doctor in reality but this is just a story and it benefits the plot.*

I thought it was just a bruise but it was much worse. It was a type of bump. Everyone's body works differently so I thought I was just getting older at a younger age and that I'd lose my hair cause I was getting older. I didn't lose any though. Mike became very worried. I couldn't blame him. Since he was a doctor he wanted to check if something was wrong. He took blood tests and scans. I was waiting for Mike in a small room. It was so quiet. I could hear hospital monitors and peoples footsteps, I could even hear faint cries in the distance. I started to worry since Mike was taking a long time. If nothing was wrong I would have been home by now. My mind started thinking of different types of scary situations. I could just feel that something wasn't right. My stomach kept turning in fear. And when Mike walked into the room you could see something was wrong by the devastated look on his face. He tried to hide it but his eyes told a whole different story than the emotion on his face.

His face was a mixture of pain and anger. And that's how how my fear of something being wrong was right.

"Vic" Mike spoke after a few seconds of deadly silence.

"You have cancer" Mike said, as his is tough front broke down when he just stood there while tears ran down his cheeks. The look in his eyes when they met mine were absolutely heartbreaking.

I didn't know what to say or what to do.
I began think of horrible things.

Was I gonna die? Was I gonna get super skinny and lose my hair?

"How?" I asked

Mike didn't answer. The only response was his sobbing while he just stood in the same spot he's been in since he walked in the room. I got up and hugged him not knowing what else to do.

-2 Months later-

Mike shaved my head so I wouldn't have to deal with losing hair and making a mess when I started chemo. It would be easier on everyone if I didn't have a full head of hair during the process.

I told my parents and my friends.
I could tell my mom was trying not to seem scared but I could see in her eyes that she was.

I started chemotherapy two weeks ago. Mike is my doctor. I feel like I'm in safe hands. If I had a different doctor I probably would feel lost and unsafe. I'm weak and tired all the time now. It's hard to keep food down.

Mike is trying to be optimistic. But when I pretend to be asleep I hear him crying quietly. I don't know what I would do if Mike was the one who had Cancer. I can't imagine how hard this is for him. I don't like that Mike is the younger brother and yet he is taking care of me. I feel like I'm causing pain to everyone around me. Mike tries to make me laugh all the time by telling me jokes. He buys me candy all the time even though he knows I'll most likely throw it back up.

I'm trying not to show I'm worried.

-5 Months later-

Mike got the scan results back. It shows no traces of cancer in my body! I'm so happy. Everyone is excited. I can get back to living my old life.

-7 Months later-

After two months of being cancer free it came back. Just when I thought my life was getting back on track. I don't wanna start Chemo again. I can tell that Mike is stressed.

I have to go back to living in the hospital in a week. My parents refuse to let me do anything myself around the house. I know they are worried about my health but I can still do things.

-8 Months later-

Chemo is going as well as Chemo possibly could.

My other cancer friend Kellin lost his 7 year battle three days ago.

I cried so much. We would hang out during the boring days in the hospital. I hate cancer! It brings so much pain to everyone around me. Childhood cancer is also horrible. Young kids shouldn't have to suffer! No one should have to suffer.

-12 Months later-

The chemo didn't work. Mike is trying some new ways to help cure me.
My friend Jenna who also had cancer beat it yesterday. She left this morning. I'm really happy for her!

Another cancer patient Died one hour ago. His name was Tyler Joseph. I didn't know him very well but he was nice. He would play ukulele to kid cancer patients.

I don't know how Mike feels knowing people around me are dying. I think he is scared that one day it might be him getting that bad news.

It's been two days since Tyler passed and four other cancer patients died. One was Tay Jardine. I talked to her a few times. The second one was Justin Hills. I never met him but Kellin used to hang out with him. The third one was Austin Carlile. I was good friends with him. The fourth one was a kid named Mollie. She was only 8 years old. I talked to her whenever I saw her. She would color me pictures. Of course I kept them all.

I was trying to fall asleep when I heard my hospital room door open. It was Mike. He sat in the chair next to my bed.

"Vic, I'm so scared. I can't lose you. You have to be strong and continue to fight." He said starting to cry.

He cried awhile longer and I just listened till I eventually fell asleep.

-14 Months later-

Everything Mike tries fails to help with the cancer.

It's scary looking in the mirror and seeing myself so sick. I've gotten really skinny and I'm pale. It's hard standing up. Mike needs to help me move around.

I think he blames himself for nothing working. But it's just the cancer not Mike.

"Mike, I love you" I said while he was helping me to the bathroom in my room.

"I love you too. I wish you could go home" he replied back.

"Me too" I told him.

-17 Months later-

Mike's Pov ~

Vic passed away last night. His last words were "I love all of you".
I broke down. I drove home and wrecked my apartment apart. Broke glasses and mirrors. Threw chairs and punched walls and doors. I feel like it's all my fault. Like I could have done more.

It's the next morning and I woke up on my kitchen floor.
I got up and drove to the hospital.

I entered the cancer unit. As I walk down the halls People tell me they're sorry for my lose.

I walked up to the wall of people who lost their battles. Vic was now up on the wall.

They had his picture before he had Cancer and one next to it when he did have cancer. Under the photos read:

Victor Fuentes lost his 1 year and 5 month battle to cancer on June 19th.
Heaven gained another angel.

I just stared at his pictures and cried.

My brother was really gone and I couldn't do anything.

Have you lost someone to cancer?
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