Chapter 16

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Dan and Phil aren't youtubers in this story. I never made that clear.

Everything was black till flashbacks of my childhood played in my mind like a record. Everything was going so fast until it slowed down. That was when I realized it was the first time I met Dan.
I swear I felt every ounce of emotion again. It's like I was reliving it.

Then It was the day we moved in with each other. One of the best days of my entire life because I got to live with my best friend.

Then it was the first time Dan had to comfort me because of a storm. He was always so caring.

Then it was when we met our awesome friends. Dan was really nervous but I calmed him down. I was anxious also but I wasn't gonna tell him that.

Then it was the time we played in the snow. That day was so fun. We were both extremely happy and content.

Then it was our trip to Jamaica. I still feel the fear of jumping off those cliffs into the water. But Dan made me feel safe to do it.

Then it was the days we would bake silly little things. It was never boring when we baked stuff together now it felt more like torture to cook.

Then it was the days we would film   ourselves going around London and other stuff like that just for memories.

Then it was the amazing days in Japan. I laughed at those silly little moments.

Then it was the last day I saw Dan in his stable state. I knew what was wrong now but at the time I didn't. I could see the sickness now. It was hard watching us hug and say goodbye before I left to go on vacation with my family. Because I knew what was gonna happen after I came home in six days. But past Phil didn't.

Then it was the day I dreading thinking about. I didn't want to relive it again. The day I got home to find Dan unconscious.

Then the final day I had with him in the hospital. I tried covering my ears not wanting to experience it again. It didn't work at all. I could still hear it the same when I put my hands over my ears. What sick joke is this?

Then it was the day he died. And Mike had to comfort me.

Then it was when I tried killing myself.

I gasped once I realized I was in my hospital room. I saw my body and my friends and family sitting in the room. Some crying and some just looking lost and hurt.

But I was shocked when I noticed the other side of the room was filled with this white light.
That's when what was happening hit me full force. I had to pick if I wanted to go into my body and wake up or if I wanted to truly die.

What do you think phil should choose?
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Haunted (Dan Howell/Phil Lester)Where stories live. Discover now