Chapter 5

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"Is he on his way?" Chris asked me for the sixth time in four minutes.

"He will be here in a couple minutes" I replied  with annoyance in my voice

John is coming over so Chris can meet him and as I expected Chris is super excited because he worries to much about me since dan's death.

After a couple more minutes of Chris going on and on about how happy he was that I made another friend there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it wait here" I demanded to Chris

I open the door to see John.

"Hey come in" I told him

"Sup and thanks" he said

"Chris is in the living room" I stated


Once we reached the living room Chris's face went from a huge smile to a frown.

"Hey John I'm Chris, but phil I need to talk to you for a minute"

"Why?" I asked

"Phil in your room now!" Chris said in an angry tone

I don't know why he became so mad all of a sudden.

"John looks exactly like Dan, Phil" Chris said

I could see the anger in his face

"No he doesn't" I argued back

" He has brown hair that has a fringe on the left side, he has brown eyes and there faces are almost the same" Chris quietly yelled trying not to let John here us.

"So what they have a few similarities" I quietly yelled back

"Phil do you really think trying to replace Dan with someone who looks like him will fix the fact that you're lost without dan that you aren't ready to let go. Phil it's time to move on Dan is gone forever!" Chris yelled not caring if anyone could here

Tears started to form in my eyes as I took in everything Chris said.

He was right though I'm broken with out Dan it's like half of me was just sliced in half.

Chris then realizing what he had said. He starting walking closer to comfort me.

But I ran as fast as I could out of the apartment. I didn't know where I was going but I'd figure it out later.

I came to a stop after running out of breathe but when I looked around I was at the graveyard where Dan is buried.

I slowly walk to Dan's grave and fell to my knees and let out horrendous cries.

"Dan you jerk come back come back right now! You said we would be best friends forever where are you dan? Please come back I need you I'm nothing without you. Dan I'm sorry for not paying attention to your health. It's all my fault your gone why couldn't it of been me? Dan I miss you so much, I need you." I cried but knowing he wouldn't come back I laid down and cried.

Chris soon came after me and drove me home.


I finally updated yay! I promise I'll update more often!

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