Chapter Fourteen

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The bright fluorescent lights were enough to shake me out of my brain fog. My mind was racing a mile a minute, eventually becoming so hectic and loud that I had to stop walking and take deep breaths. I wasn't only scared for DeAngelo. I was afraid of what would become of my family and I without him. It was no longer about money to take care of my mom's health or to raise my siblings. It was now about our safety. Without DeAngelo, we were back to square 1, only this time, that came with threats and danger to my family. Danger that I had been unaware of my whole life until now, until I met DeAngelo.

"Miss, you can't go in there. Visiting hours are over and this is a private floor. Have you even been cleared to come up here?" A young nurse called out to me, waking me from my thoughts. I swiveled on my heels.

"My husband is in that room, so I dare you to try and stop me." I growled the same way Ang would. With wide eyes, she took several steps back before retreating to the lounge area.

Mark, who had personally driven me to the hospital, snickered at my side, "Nice job there."

I smirked at him, "I had to."

"Was the husband comment necessary though?" He teased.

"No, but I thought it might be fun to add that little bit in." I swallowed and quickly knocked on the door to room A109.

DeAngelo's body guard cracked the door open and I could swear I saw him sag with relief when he spotted me, "Miss Sorrentino, come in." He nodded at Mark.

There I saw him looking as weak and vulnerable as ever. I took the sight in, knowing there was a slim chance I'd ever see it again. DeAngelo was a fierce and tough as a lion. Nothing phased him. His dark brown hair was matted against his forehead and beads of sweat lined his upper lip. He had one black eye and his left arm was wrapped in a brace. From where I stood, he looked bad, but when I got closer to him, he looked much worse.

I frowned as I grasped his uninjured hand, "Ang," I whispered, while his men looked on awkwardly. Mark stood in the corner of the very large, private room in an effort to give us our privacy. "What happened to you? I thought you were invincible."

I watched his chest rise and fall and it seemed like his breathing was slightly labored, like it hurt him to breathe. I looked over my shoulder at anyone that would listen and asked out loud, "What happened?"

Mark looked to be in a deep conversation with one of Angelo's men, the one who looked most familiar to me. He was tall, almost as tall as Ang, with a bald head, blue eyes and adorable dimples. I had seen him more often than the rest, but still, that was very little. I didn't even know his name. When no one answered me, I turned to Mark.

"Please, I need to know." I pleaded. It didn't make sense to me why it was such a secret what happened to DeAngelo. I looked back at Ang and it suddenly struck me. Vicky was involved, though I hadn't had the opportunity yet to figure out what was going on with her. And then Angelo was in the hospital. This was my fault.

"Mark, did my cousins have anything to do with this?" I asked urgently, readjusting my purse on my shoulder. I was ready to bolt out of there and get back to Vicky. I needed answers and I needed to make this right. I wouldn't be the reason Angelo got hurt again, or worse.

Mark shook his head, looking at the ground. He looked back up at me with defeated eyes, shrugging, "No, Angelina. It was a car accident." Liar.

I swallowed, thinking of what to say next to make him think I believed him, "Is he going to be ok?"

He nodded at this, which made my body sag in relief, "He needs his rest, since he hit his head pretty bad. He'll be back to new in no time."

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