Chapter Nineteen

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Author's POV

"What makes you think I knew she was your girl?" Dante Palermo laughed with a chilled glass of scotch at his lips. He took a swig, savoring the expensive liquid that burned its way down his throat. He enjoyed few things the way he did a nice glass of top-shelf scotch.

DeAngelo swiped the glass out of Dante's grip and chucked it forcefully at the wall behind him. Not one person in the dimly lit club dared to look their way or try to reprimand DeAngelo for causing a commotion. Dante chuckled arrogantly and unfazed. He was too pretty to get his hands dirty, so he never liked to play the tough guy act. Angelo figured he would probably be a decent fighter, due to his stature, but the man was a waste. Never got his hands dirty.

"If you don't tell me who put you up to this, you're going to die. I'm just going to be straightforward with you. And that's a courtesy I'm giving you, from the kindness of my own heart."

Dante snapped his fingers, willing the waitress to bring him another glass of scotch and suggested a little something more, if she was willing. Angelo grimaced at him in disgust, "I thought you were a clean man, Angelo. How would your little fiancée feel if she knew you were dirtying your hands, with death threats and whatnot?" He kicked his feet up on the table.

Before he could see it coming, Angelo's hand was wrapped tightly around his neck, just slightly cutting off his airway. Angelo got close enough to Dante's face to feel the fear roll off of him, "Before I ever kill you, I will cut your tongue out if you ever, ever mention my fiancée or even dare to get near her again. I don't even care if it's by accident. Next time you're in close proximity to her, I will make sure you pay for it."

Dante finally showed his fear. Angelo knew he feared him. Dante was a coward, disloyal and much too chatty. He bounced around from group to group, doing small jobs here and there, but no one ever kept him because he was just not worth it. The only reason he wasn't dead yet was because his sister was married to a very powerful man who owned several malls in the tristate area. No one wanted to piss off the billionaire, yet they had no clue the billionaire cared nothing for his estranged brother-in-law.

Ironically, Angelo was good friends and business partners with said billionaire, and on occasion, they would joke together about how stupid Mr. Palermo was. Nevertheless, Angelo feared no one, especially when it came to defended and protecting his loved ones. Whoever sent Dante to hit on his fiancée clearly knew what they were doing and it worked.

"You used to have a good poker face, my man." Dante muttered, as his liquor approached. He chugged the stuff, this time caring more to get the edge off than to savor it. "What I can tell you is whoever sent me to the hotel, they're not the only ones who are trying to hit your weak spot. In fact, this was probably just the beginning."

Angelo got back in Dante's face, this time, his collar gripped tightly in his fist, "I don't care if you have nothing to do with anything. If anything happens to my loved ones, you're going to be the man on my radar. I'll be watching you very closely Palermo. Watch yourself." Angelo forcefully let go of him and stormed out of the club.

That moronic Palermo was a walking book. He didn't know how to keep his damn mouth shut and for once, Angelo was grateful for. He was determined to send out a message to everyone and anyone, and with Dante's loose lips, it would definitely get around. Mess with Angelina—you're going to die.

"Yeah, it's them. Take care of Mitch and let me know what you get out of him. Don't worry too much about being discreet. I want to send out a message."


Angelina's POV

"Is it okay if you take a few weeks off work? I don't like that Dante was there. He knows who you are and this guy has a mouth on him." Angelo knew if he was going to get me to leave my job, he was going to have to make me think it was my choice. He knew he wouldn't get anywhere with demands. Not with me.

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