Chapter Four

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"Ma, Mrs. Dersey is outside!" I called down the stairs.

Our neighbors often took turns taking Ma to her doctor visits. It was something we'd have to ask of them at first, but over time they all started to offer it. They also provided us with a lot of financial help, especially because it'd been a little over a week that I was unemployed. Paul and Portia had been generous with my paychecks so we weren't struggling as much as I'd anticipated.

I waited until the front door shut and checked outside to make sure she got out safely. As the car drove away I went down to begin lunch for when the kids came home from school. Getting to sit at home all day and be able to just read and relax was a luxury I was not accustomed to but my body yearned for it.

The doorbell rang and I assumed it was my ma, thinking she forgot something. When I opened the door I was completely taken aback.

"Look who decided to show up." I put my hands on my hips as I narrowed my eyes on none other than DeAngelo DiVicci.

"Yes, it is me. In the flesh." He smirked, which alone sent heat to my cheeks. "I like that color on you." He pinched my reddened cheeks mockingly.

"I bet," I mumbled, turning away from him. "So what are you doing here? Gonna threaten the landlord to kick us off his property now?"

"How is everything over here, Angelina?" Was he really going to act like it wasn't obvious that he was trying to back me into a corner? What he didn't know is that I would never be that desperate.

I shook my head at him, "What would it take to get you to stay out of my life?"

He raised his brow, "I'm not one to give up easily."

"Look, I've been working day and night for this family. I will do anything for my family, but I refuse to be a charity case." I said defiantly before crossing my arms. "So, if you're getting my fired from my jobs so I can crawling to you and asking for money in return for some sort of affection, it's not gonna happen."

"Isn't your mother ill? Don't you need to take care of her I can take care of that." He hit my weak spot and he knew it. When it came to ma being sick, he knew I'd use his, or anyone's money in a heartbeat. "You can't afford it forever. It's going to get worse."

"What exactly do you want from me Mr. Divicci? You seem to know an awful lot about me, yet I know close to nothing about you."

"Oh?" He smirked, leaning against the door frame, "And what is that you do know about me?"

"I know you have a gun." I smiled at his shocked expression.

"How do you know that?"

"Let's just say you're not great at hiding things."

His demeanor changed instantly. He checked his phone, "Listen, I have to get going, if you make your mind up soon call this number." He pulled out a blank card with a number plainly printed across it.

"Make my mind up about what?" I said with frustration. What did he want from me? "I don't want anything to do with you or your money!"

"I want you. I can take care of you. I feel this pull towards you and I'm not one to fight fate."

"You couldn't just ask me out like a normal person? Instead, you had to threaten my bosses and get me fired? You want to 'take care of me?' Okay fine, but you can't buy a person's love. Do you realize that?"

"Two weeks Nina, I'll give you two weeks." He turned his back to retreat. Something suddenly struck me. Despite hardly knowing him, despite his obsessive behavior, I still had this odd attraction for him and it was clouding my judgement. The way I tried with all my might not to just rest my hands against his strong chest. The way I actually enjoyed being in his company. For some bizarre reason, I didn't want him to leave like that.

"DeAngelo!" I called out to him, shocking myself for the sudden outburst. I'd been doing so well at hiding my feelings.

He stopped slowly, just slightly turning his head with his back still to me, "Yes?"

I froze. What was I planning on saying to him? I internally smacked myself for acting on emotion, "Do you not know how to take a hint?"

"I don't have time for hints, Miss Sorrentino. I tend to gravitate to straightforward people, if you couldn't tell."

I sighed in defeat, "You can take me on one date. One."

I could see his shoulders shake with a laugh, "Be ready by 8."

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