Chapter Thirteen

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"Sorry, the mailbox belonging to 348-555-0909 is full. Please hang up and try your call again later." After the 20th attempt at getting ahold of Ang, I chucked my phone at the floor. I paced my room, silently cursing at him. It was 3 in the morning and someone had tapped on my window. I didn't dare check who it was and eventually, the went away. But that didn't ease me. Nor did the fact that the security personnel were nowhere to be found. Angelo had previously given me some sort of panic button to keep with me at all times and I learned the hard way by accidentally pushing it once before, that it notified not only my entire team, but Ang's as well.

So, sue me if I was a little more than worried when I pressed the button not once, not twice, but three times and no one came to the rescue. The usual flashlights the men always used to make their rounds in the evening hadn't shone once in the past hour. I was too scared to leave my room, but I had to check on my family. With a knife in my hand, I tiptoed around the house checking on each and every person. They were all sound asleep with no cares in the world. And there I was, hair sticking out every which way, fuzzy slippers on and a knife in my hand. I looked truly insane.

I racked my brain for what the best move was. Should I ignore all these warning signs and go to sleep? Should I call the police? Should I check to see who tapped on my window? I ran back to my room, knife still in hand and picked up my phone. Let's try this one more time.

I dialed Ang's number and let it ring. Again, it went to voicemail. I hung up and threw myself on my bed. The stress was for sure taking away 10 years off my life. Then, my phone rang. The number was unknown, which caused my heartrate to skyrocket. I decided to answer it.

"Hello?" I whispered, my voice quivering.

"It's me. Open your front door before you get me killed." The voice wasn't Angelo's, nor was it even a male's voice. It was a girl's.

"Who is this?" I asked urgently, running to my window and peeking out. No one was there. I heard a knock at my front door which almost gave me a heart-attack. Make that 20 years off my life.

The person on the other end of the phone sighed, "It's Vicky. Let me in please before they find me and kill me."

My blood ran cold. If Vicky has something to do with this, I knew it wouldn't be good. I cautiously walked to the front door and checked through the peep-hole. It was actually her. I cracked the door open slightly, "What're you doing here?" I whispered harshly.

"I'm not trying to cause any harm or trouble, but Nina if you don't let me in, your boyfriend's security team is going to find me and kill me. Hurry before they get back. Please." She begged, looking behind her urgently as if someone was coming towards her.

"Don't make me regret this," I threw all caution to the wind and let her in. She instantly collapsed on the floor, shivering.

"Vicky, what's wrong?" I bent down to her level and noticed her lips were turning blue. She was going to freeze to death. "My goodness, what happened to you?" I ran to grab her blankets and socks, then put a kettle on the stove to make some tea.

"Come here," I put her arm around my shoulder and helped her stand up before bringing her to the couch. "Everyone is asleep and I don't want to worry them," I whispered, pleading with her not to wake them.

She nodded solemnly while I gave her a hot cup of tea and she gulped it down hastily. Finally, she broke her silence, "Thanks."

I nodded slowly, studying her, "Of course. Now, are you going to tell me what's going on?"

She opened her mouth to speak when she was cut off by the loud sounds of car doors slamming shut and people running up to the front door. Loud bangs sounded on cue and I heard my bedroom window shatter.

"OH MY GOSH," I smacked my hand over my mouth, running to the kitchen to grab the knife again, but I was stopped when someone grabbed me forcefully. I didn't realize I was screaming until they pressed their hand on my mouth to shut me up. I thrashed around violently when I heard their voice trying to calm me down.

"Angelina! Open your eyes, it's me." I instantly sagged at the sound of the semi-familiar voice and I crumpled on the floor in a heap. I buried my face in my hands and cried when I heard my brothers and sisters shouting urgently, running down to see what was going on. DeAngelo's cousin Mark wrapped his arms around me comfortingly, shushing me and asking me if I was alright.

I whipped my head up to look at him, "Where is Angelo?" I cried, letting out all of my pent of nerves and fear from that night.

"I'm so sorry Angelina. Everything is going to be ok." We both were so distracted, we didn't even acknowledge the commotion going on around us until Ma snapped us out of it.

"What are you doing? That's my husband's niece!" I heard my mother scream. Mark and I both jumped up instantly. I ran to Victoria's side as she quivered in fear. She had 10 big, burly men surrounding her with guns at the ready. She shrunk back into the couch crying.

"Stand down!" I shrieked, coming to stand between my cousin and the men who were there to protect me.

Mark turned red, "WEAPONS DOWN NOW!" He growled. He came to my side instantly. "Do you know what DeAngelo would do if he saw you pointing your weapons at his future wife? You'll all be as good as dead. And pointing your weapon at a young lady? I think one of you would suffice. If the rest of you had half a brain, you'd be checking the property for intruders and making sure the neighbors haven't called the cops." He resembled his cousin so much in that moment and I took a second to appreciate the way DeAngelo and Mark can delegate and order around a room full of men of that size and strength.

I glanced back down at my cousin and felt my heart swell with sympathy for her. Despite that, she had a lot of explaining to do. Almost as much as DeAngelo did. His name sent a pang to my chest, "Is Ang ok?" I asked Mark meekly as my siblings stood around with their jaws on the ground as they took the scene all in. Ma was trying to calm them down and send them back to bed, but none of the commotion phased me. My mind was set on Angelo.

Mark shook his head, avoiding my gaze. I could tell he was trying to be thoughtful about what he said next, and the look in his eyes made my knees go weak. I grasped his arm with a steel grip, "What is it Mark?" I whimpered. "What happened?"

He sighed, resting his hand over my grip on him, "You need to come see him. And soon."

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