Chapter Twenty

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The rest of our day went by with no more interruptions and Angelo acted like he didn't just threaten someone's life. Granted, he was defending me, but still. It was unsettling. Was he actually capable of taking a human life?

"I like these flowers, babe." Angelo decided as we strolled through the indoor garden. Our meeting with the florist was a blur to me. I just agreed with Angelo on everything as I said as few words as possible. I feared if I talked, I would burst into tears and Angelo's relaxed demeanor unnerved me. Was he so used to life-threatening confrontations?

Oh, so many questions—"Babe?" Angelo disrupted my thoughts.

I whipped my head around to face him, "What? Oh, yeah. Yes, love those flowers."

He raised his eyebrow at me, unconvinced, "I think we have a winner, Pam. Do you mind if we cut this appointment a little early? Angelina isn't feeling too well."

Pam, our excitable florist, nodded her head eagerly, "Oh, dear, not at all. Sweetheart, you do look a little pale. Can I get you some juice—or maybe you should lie down?" She offered kindly. Angelo and I fell in love with her as soon as we met her.

I smiled as best as I could, "I do feel a little tired now that you mention it. Maybe we should just head home."

"Okay, honey. You go get some rest and let that yummy fiancé of yours take great care of you." She giggled. She was a middle aged, petite yet plump woman with an edgy blond bob cut with a stripe of pink in the front. It suited her quirky personality.

"First her, now you, huh Pam? The women in my life are really starting to take control." Angelo teased, half-heartedly. I could tell he was concerned about me and was trying to get me out of there quick. "We'll give you a call to go over the minor details, but I'm going to write a check for the deposit. How does thirty grand sound? Will that cover it?"

At the same time, Pam and I had a coughing fit. It seemed we both choked on thin air at the same exact time, "That certainly will cover it. I didn't realize we were going that extravagant."

I rolled my eyes at my excessive fiancé, "Neither did I Pam."

Angelo smirked, "Well let's start there and we'll see what the total gets up to once we get a better look at the banquet hall."


"I know you have a lot of questions you want the answers to. Since you had to see that unfortunate encounter earlier, I am going to let you talk it out, so long as you promise to put it behind us after today." Angelo offered as we turned into his massive driveway. He stalled the car once we reached the garage.

I ran my hand through my hair, a habit I had when I was anxious, "I just feel like sometimes I don't know you."

"I get that, but believe me, there are just things you're better off not knowing."

I sighed with exasperation. If that wasn't his go-to line. . . "Just, for once, stop being so ambiguous and give me a clearer answer. You know every single thing about me, and here I am, engaged to a man giving out death threats and telling me to shoot a gun. Then, acts like none of it ever happened. Is this your reality?"

He assessed me with his eyes and I hated it when he did that, because he was so good at reading me. He would listen ever so carefully and pick his words so precisely. It was what made him so likeable, being able to tell someone exactly what they wanted to hear. But it was getting old on me, "Well, for starters, I'm sorry you had to see that today. My reality is that I'm a successful man, as I've told you before. People are jealous and hateful, so yes, it is my reality. I've learned enough to know that some people won't take me seriously until I get my hands dirty."

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