Chapter Eighteen

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Weeks went by quickly as I was either distracted by Ang, wedding planning, the kids, or work. I lost my part-time receptionist job, since I missed my first shift without a notice after Ang got in his accident. So, I went out and got a hotel receptionist job at a nearby hotel. I hated it, but after the many fits I threw to Ang, explaining how I wanted to be somewhat independent, I couldn't quit. Although, he would be delighted if I did.

"Thank you for staying with us! Is there anything else I can help you with before you leave, sir?" I faked a smile for the hundredth time that day.

Standing before me was a gorgeous, brown-eyed man. He looked like he stepped out of a magazine, with his bright smile and his sweet dimples, "Yes, just one thing."

"What would that be, sir?" I ogled at his movie-star good looks, but it made me appreciate Angelo's rugged manliness at the same time.

"Your name and maybe if I'm lucky, your phone number too?" His question took me by surprise, as I wasn't used to getting hit on and especially not by someone who looked like he came straight out of a movie screen.

I choked on air, "I-uh-I, excuse me?"

He laughed nonchalantly with his blindingly white teeth. Clearly, he was used to making people speechless, "Your name?"

I looked down at my chest where the metal name tag neatly hung from my button up top, I pointed at it, "Can you read?"

This time, I made him speechless, "Is that any way to talk to a paying guest, Miss Angelina?"

I didn't mean to flirt with him, I wasn't sure if that was even flirting, but I couldn't help but to go back and forth a little. My days at work were boring and uneventful, and when interesting things did happen, it usually didn't involve anyone who looked like him, "Well, if you didn't ask such silly questions, sir, I wouldn't have to talk to you like that, would I?"

He paused thoughtfully, "Dante."


"You don't have to call me sir. My name is Dante."

"Well, sir," I said purposely, "I can't give you any of my personal information, but if there is anything else I can help you with regarding your stay, I would be glad to." I smirked knowingly.

He chuckled with slight disbelief, sizing me up, "Well Miss Smart-Ass, I don't think there is anything else you can help me with in that case. Once you're off the clock, though," he slid a small business card towards me.

I smiled politely, sliding the card with the intention of throwing it away, but as another guest approached, I subconsciously tucked it away in my pocket. As I attended to the guest in front of me, from the corner of my eye I watched Mr. Model get into a luxurious and compact sports car, before speeding away. I wondered if Angelo was into sports cars. The danger seemed to match his personality, but the size of the car didn't. Angelo liked things bigger.

At the end of my shift, before I could even clock out, a handsome and familiar face strolled through the doors. I smirked at him, while closing out my drawer and explaining some minor details to the girl who was on the night shift.

"Hi, beautiful." Ang leaned against the desk, oozing power and masculinity.

I winked at him, knowing my coworker, Carla, had no idea who he even was, "Hi sir, how can I help you? I teased.

"You, me and your best suite?" He joked back. I heard Carla choke from behind me, clearly not expecting that.

Besides me being used to Angelo's forwardness and my going along with the joke, I still managed to blush profusely. Angelo reached over to pinch my cheeks, letting out a deep chuckle. I loved watching him smile wide with his perfect teeth. Everything about him was perfect, anyway.

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