Part - 7

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Morning brought new hope for Tessa. Most of the night she has thought about running away quietly and never face Stefan again.

First he had kissed her like that, showed her how good things can be then he went and ruined the moment by bringing up the subject she wanted to forget and reminded her all the hateful things people have said to her.

How she wanted to hide away and never face anyone who knew her, and she felt this could be that place, but now that hope has gone. Stefan knows everything. More then anybody else. Would that make things better for her?

Would he let her forget her past? Would treat her like nothing has changed? He would. She knows that he would. He said he believed her. Didn't he?

That's why he offered her the job opportunity that he knows she needs desperately. She told him that she would go to some other town and look for a job but even she knew how difficult thats going to be. Without recommendation letters from at least two high bred family, getting a job was out of question. Apart from that she doesn't know anything about working as a housekeeper or being a nanny or even sweeping or swabbing the floor. She has to learn so much and here she could.

It will also give her time. Hopefully after some time people would forget about her and find something else to gossip about. Then she could try to find other job. Until then this is going to be her hideaway, her safe place and her home.

Then she fell asleep and woke up in the morning feeling fresh and little happier for the first time in days.

She came out of the bedroom thinking how would she face Stefan after what had happened between them last night but he wasn't there.

His animal skin overall was missing from its place, that suggested he has gone out. A folded paper kept on the dining table by the plate full of porridge and a glass of milk.

She sat down on the chair and started reading the paper "Good morning Tessa, I am sorry I had to leave before you woke up. Your breakfast is on the table. Water for your bath is kept by the bathroom. You don't have to go to river for that." How thoughtful she thought with smile and continued reading ahead "I'll be back by the evening so please look after the old place for me. You are free to look around but just be away from the fence and do not cross the boundary at any cost. P.S. Welcome to your new life."

Yes, that what it is, a new life. A life of a normal girl, what she always have dreamed of. She thought and started eating her breakfast, making plans for her day ahead.

Actually it was better that she didn't had to face Stefan this morning. It would have been very early to pretend nothing has happened last night. Maybe he thought that too, that's why he left and gave her time to adjust.
She finished her breakfast and washed the utensils she used before wiping them clean and keeping them with others, like she had seen Stefan do.

Now what? She thought standing in the middle of the room. "You are a housekeeper now Tessa, better start thinking like one" she said to herself and went out in search of the broom and mop.

Four hours later she had dusted every nooks and corners, swept and mopped the entire floor of the house and washed the porch. Then she washed all the sheets and spread them to dry in the sun. She watered the flower beds and plucked the weeds out.

Front of the house was clean to her satisfaction then she attacked the back yard. Where she found a chicken coop, a goat pen and a small stable with just one horse. She cleaned the coop, fed the chicken and collected eggs. Goats was whole different story. The pen had four goats two mothers and two babies. She cleaned the pen and fed them but didn't know how to milk them. Whenever she tried getting close to them they just ran away. Finally she gave up and attended the horse.

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