Part - 33

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Tessa looked around and asked "Now what?"

"Now what, What?" Stefan asked looking at her.

"Shouldn't we go and search the castle for Darian and Janet?"

"I thought you said you sensed they are not here anymore."

"I did but I am kind of new to all this sensing, healing and transporting people and all. Don't you think we should make sure by searching for them?" She asked unable to believe how fast she was getting the hang of using Tiatan's powers.

"No, that would only waste our time and as long as my uncle is alive, time is the essence." Stefan said catching her hand and started towards the exit door.

"Then what should we do?" She asked while being forced to walk to match his long strides beside him.

"We'll collect the Duroider and..." he started but stopped in mid sentence when he felt Tessa suddenly stop moving.

He looked back at her and she asked "Do we really have to?"


"The sword I mean. Do we really have go collect it?"

"That is the greatest weapon and not to mention very valuable too. We don't want anyone else to find it, do we?"

"One can just hope for small blessings." Tessa mumbled.

"You don't really mean that."

"No. But I really what could happen? It would be just a normal sword in anybody else's hands. Only the chosen one could actually wield it. Isn't it?" She stated hopefully.

"Yes, and you are the chosen one." He stated too.

"I can only it wasn't true." She said, knowing well there wasn't any other way around it. To speak the truth, she too wanted to hold that sword again. She had so many questions and knew that only the voice (now that she knows belongs to the Duroider) could answer.

"But it is. You are the chosen one. The Duroider belongs to you because you are the true Angel of Death." He said and couldn't help but smile at the way she scrunch her nose at him before nodding "Fine. But I don't want to see that dead warlock's body. Could you be a darling and fetch the damn sword?"

"Any time babes." He winked at her before leaving her hand walking away to collect the Duroider.

She waited for him by the entrance and when she saw him coming with the Duroider in his hand she couldn't help but groane. Stefan didn't kept the Duroider back in its sheath, fastened at his back, but brought it to her as if she really wanted to hold that thing. Although she actually did but just to ask few questions.

Stefan came close to her and bent on one knee, holding the Duroider by both his hands in front of her.

She looked questingly at him so he simply said "Your sword."

"Oh no, no, no." She said jumping back, pulling her hands back and interlocking her fingers behind her.


"You... you keep it."

"But it yours. It has chosen you."

"I know but I can go every way, waving that sword. Can I? And not to mention the other one that comes out of my arm."

"It will only happen when you are ready to fight. I think." He said then added, hoping she wouldn't notice his uncertainty but she did and narrowed her eyes at him.

He laughed and said "Alright, come here." Keeping the Duroider down.

She took two tentative steps towards him and stopped when she saw him opening the narrow leather straps binding at his side, that went crossed over his chest.

"W... what are you doing?" She asked.

"Turn around" he ordered and when she didn't complied immediately he laughed "Don't worry. I am not taking off my clothes. Just the sheath, so I can tie it on your back to hold the Duroider."

She exhaled and turned her back towards him so he could tie the sheath for her and thought why couldn't she guess that for herself. It wasn't the time or the place for romantic indulgence. Its only been what, three days, that they have lived apart from each other but it felt like years have passed since she felt Stefan's loving touch...

"If you won't stop thinking about that, I may actually be forced to shed my clothes this time." He warned, making her remember that he was still able to hear her thoughts. So much power and all useless where he was concerned she thought then suddenly cursed herself for thinking that and feeding to his already huge arrogance.

His laugh was proof enough that he heard that too but he didn't speak before he finished securing the sheath and deftly slipping the Duroider in it. "Here you go."

"Thanks" she said checking the binds.

"Now tell me where you hid the baby so we can leave." He said while dusting his clothes.

"What? Which baby you are talking about?"

"Darian and Janet's baby. One of my nephew that you were carrying before..."

"You sent him to Xaincia with that sword."

"What? I didn't didn't sent any sword any where. What are you talking about?"

"That sword we found on the ground while you were fighting. You told me to hold that sword so could send me to Xaincia. Remember?"

"Now that you mentioned, yes, I do remember. It was the Curse and Pride. Darian's sword."

"I thought it was magical and it did vanished with the baby?"

"That it is and what you mean it vanished with the baby? A tiny baby can not hold the sword." Stefan asked and knew he wasn't going to like her answer.

"I... I tied it with the baby" Tessa whispered stammering and suddenly feeling her heart sinking.

"You what???"

"I tied it quiet securely. Only the hilt of it, so it wouldn't hurt the baby." She explained urgently.

"I told you to hold the sword so I could send you both to the security of Xaincia." He said little calming down. If the baby was tied to the Curse and Pride, and it vanished with the baby that means Darian summoned it and that's where the baby must be. Safe with his parents.

"I couldn't leave you there to fight alone. And what happened afterwards, I am glad that I didn't complied your order." She said bristling at his sharp tone.

"Next time you better be or I'll lock you deep down in the castle." He growled.

"Oh, the mighty prince has returned. Lock me in! my foot. I am not one of your lifeless relics ." She snapped back with sarcasm.

"No, you are not. But you are too precious for me and I don't want you to endanger your life ever again. Even for me."

"Same goes for you. Don't you ever endanger yourself. Not even for me." She replied angrily, narrowing her eyes at him.

They both stared at each other for long time, neither one wanting to back down. Finally Stefan broke the eyes contact with a laugh "I guess we are still unable to see each other getting hurt and i think that does means we are truly and deeply in love. Don't you think?" Reminding her the time when she said those exact words to him.

She turned back immediately before he could see her anger slipping and said "No"

"Liar." He said smiling.

She didn't reply but looked back him smiling before running short distance to hug him.

Stefan crushed her to him and thank gods for the first time in his life. Come to think of it, he actually must have started believing in gods again to pray, beg and thank.

"I missed you lass. And I am sorry for what all I said and did to you when I thought you were..." he started but she just said "Shhhh... let me feel you. God I missed you so much."

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