Part - 28

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Stefan crossed the ward, exactly matching his steps with Darian. He had brought the Curse and Pride along with him and just left it by the wall, from where Darian could easily summon it, before he walked away towards the other side of the castle, while Darian walked behind Alayken, knowing perfectly well that he was walking in some kind of trap.

He could feel that something was not right, or Alayken wouldn't have given up so easily to let him enter the castle.
Although he was a skilled fighter and excellent swordsman, but he could be easily fall in one of the many hidden traps of this mysterious castle, and Alayken must know all of them. After all it was once his home and from a long time his hiding place.

Every step he took behind Alayken was dangerous for him, his family and the innocent people of Xaincia, he thought but he told himself that Stefan was there too and this time he can truly trust his brother.

They reached right before the vast landing, before the once magnificent long staircase. Darian felt a movement behind him and looked back. Suddenly the floor beneath his feet gave away and he slipped in cold water. His eyes caught the face of Janet, peeking from behind the huge plank of wood right before went down.

The water was pulling him down but he tried hard to reach the surface. He knew Janet has seen him and would immediately come for his help, giving away herself up from her obviously hiding position in the process.

The trap door was closing above him, minimizing the light with each passing second. The freezing water made his movements difficult but threw up his hand and summoned the Curse and Pride, but instead of its cold metal hilt, his fingers curled around the tiny warm hand of his wife.

Out of the castle main, the Curse and Pride whirled towards the entrance but suddenly fell a mile before it right when Darian caught Janet's hand and all thoughts of his sword vanished from his mind when his head emerged from water and saw her troubled face.

"I got you" she said and he just stared at her, lying over the floor by the mostly closed trap door, one of their son in her other arm. Once again she has saved him by catching his hand before the trap door could close completely, while shielding their son by her body.

Alayken saw Tessa run out and roared at Tiatan "Catch that lass, I got them" before coming closer and stamping his right foot on Janet's back, he hissed "Let go of him you mortal bitch"

"N.. never" Janet huffed out through the pressure of his foot and her effect to be above and not crush her baby beneath her.


Tessa ran out the entrance but couldn't go farther then half a mile as Tiatan emerged right in front of her. She immediately turned to run away but no matter where she turned he was there before her.

"Give up girly. You have no where to go now." Tiatan said but she spat on his face and ran towards the boundary wall.

Tiatan roared with anger "This time you crossed your limit and you shall face my fury" before pulling out his sword and running after her.

Her feet caught on something and she fell forward, out stretching one of her hand to save the baby from impact.

Tiatan forcefully brought down his sword on her but she rolled away suddenly and immediately threw a handful of dried mud on his face. Tiatan wasn't ready for it and it went in his eyes, making close his eyes immediately as he stumbled back with a curse and growled "You cunning bitch. You going to pay for this."

It bought enough time for Tessa to stand up again on her feet but Tiatan was fast to recover too and caught her hair when she tried to turn away to run.

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