Part - 11

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Stefan couldn't think of going home just yet when his mood was so dark, so he went in a traven to just sit there and think.

He sat in the farthest corner of the bar and ordered a bottle of ale. The girl serving the drinks saw him and smiled seductively at him but he just turned away and took long swing directly from the bottle.

What a mess he had made of sweet Tessa's already miserable life. He was supposed to help her, protect her but instead he just made hell of her life.

He knows very well that as a exhaled prince he has no rights. He can't give Tessa the life she deserves and she deserves every good thing in this damn world.

If only he would have kept his eyes and mouth shut and other parts of his anatomy to himself, things would have been much better but no, not him, he had to prove what he truly is. A selfishly ruthless bastard who has destroyed every one who have crossed his path.

The screams of people who had died because of him buzzed in his head and he couldn't take it anymore. It has started again. The torture of hearing every scream again and again.

With Tessa he has forgotten his curse. The day she stepped in his life every torturing echo of his past has stopped, allowing him to be able to hear her innocent thoughts. Now is was back with full force making cover his ears with his hands but it wouldn't go away.

"You are a selfish bastard"

"Destroyed every thing"



"Death Death Death... you are the angel of death"

Every word was making him wince and it grew loud and laud until he couldn't bare it anymore and threw the nearly empty bottle on the floor where it crashed loudly and bought every single person's attention to Stefan.

He stood up suddenly sending the tall bar stool toppling and then he screamed "Yes yes yes. I am the bloody angel of death. Now shut up. Shut the hell up, everyone of you or I'll kill all of you. Do you hear me? SHUT UP."

Silence fell over on otherwise loud and busy traven.

Such words from such a giant of a man was too much for the people to trun away immediately and trying to get busy themselves.

Stefan just stood there for a long moment, waiting someone would get the courage to ask him out that would present a nice way to went his anger but he was also praying no one would, otherwise there'll be one more death on his concise.

When no one paid him any attention he staggered towards the door and went out in the dark night.


Tessa waited for Stefan whole day, finished all the work that has to be done then sat out on the steps and waited some more.

When the sun dipped down and darkness started creeping around Tessa went inside and started the dinner with whatever she had "Potatoes and tomatoes" she whispered to herself remembering Stefan's remark before his departure that she needs to feed him something better then just potatoes and tomatoes if she wants him to perform well in bed. That bought a smile on her face before she said "its your punishment for coming home late"

She prepared thick and spicy tomato broth, hush brown baby potatoes with herbs bread that she had recently perfected.

Table ready for dinner, all the room spic an span she has left with nothing to do but wait.

Thai was the first time Stefan wasn't home this late. Normally he comes back before the sunset whenever he had to go out.

Tessa was getting worried for him now. What if something happened to him? What if he is lying somewhere hurt and bleeding, calling out for her? She shook her head to get these sickening thought away from her mind but failed.

Her heart started pounding and she decided that she has to searching for him if doesn't comes back before she readied Ambrosden.

Determined now she went out to go towards the stable and noticed a tall frame of a man trying to open the gate.

She thanked the God and hurried towards Stefan. She could easily recognize him even in the dark, but was he doing hanging by the gate? Then to her horror he stumbled and fell forward.

"Oh God..." she thought and ran towards him thinking her worst fear has come true.

"Stefan...." she called loudly before coming to a stop near him and kneeled beside him.

"Tessa baby.... wha...what are you doing here? Go... go in... side..." he stammered.

"Are you hurt Stefan?" She asked moving her hands on him to check if he was okay.

"I.... I am fine. Just... just a little..."

"Drunk." She huffed more to herself then him.

"Yeah, that too." Stefan smiled crookedly.

"Come on then, let's get you inside." She had seen her father coming in this state many a times to know it was useless to ask him anything right now. He has to sleep it off first then she will ask what led him to drink this much.

Stefan held her hand for support and caught the gate with other hand and heaved himself off the ground.

Slowly but without falling again they reached the house and Tessa dumped him on the bed and begun removing his boots.

Difficult the task was but after many pulls and pushes she removed his boots then thought about removing his clothes too but decided against it. Already she was breathing heavily after the last taks she thought it would be best to leave him like that only.

After eating and clearing the table she lay down on the mattress Stefan used sleep on before they started sharing bed.

Why Stefan came home drunk tonight? He has never even showed a sign the he is found of alcohol in months they have stayed together.

He didn't even once came home like when they were not on good terms.

What must have happened to put him such a mood.

Maybe he found some old friends and they must have insisted him to drink with them.

That was it. That's what use to happen with her father.

She smiled at thought because her mother used to be angry for several days afterwards but she won't be like her mother. She understands that he had to oblige his friends and it wasn't that he is found of it. Once in a while she can allow him to overindulge.

She turned her head to see his sleeping form and smiled. In the morning he would be all sorry and all but she would tell him that's okay.

Future with Stefan looks bright with love and laughter.
Love....? Oh yes she loves him so much that she can forgive him for murders, little alcohol is nothing. She thought before falling to blissful slumber.

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