Part - 30

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Janet knew every passing second was diminishing chances of Darian's survival. It wouldn't matter if Alayken keeps holding his hand or not if she couldn't do anything soon. There was only one thing that can help them and that was the Curse and Pride but what could she do with it. Their enemy was already at her mercy.

Darian couldn't feel his legs anymore, the water ivy continued to pull him down. Although Janet very cleverly made Alayken his anchor to hold on to, but looking at her face made him realize she had no other ideas. And knowing her the way he knows her, he was sure she wouldn't let him go that easily but desperation in her eyes was clear.

"Janet... the Curse and Pride" he breathed.

"Then what? I can't move from here or he will slip inside with you." She stated what she already concluded.

" D... do it"

"Alright, if you say so." She said and closed her eyes and summon it. Suddenly the Curse and Pride was in her lap, including with her another son securely wrapped with it's hilt. "I got it" she hollered.

"B...bring it so can h...hold my hand"

"I can't... it came with our other son." She said and quickly untied and unwrapped her son and hugged him to her breast.

" Another son!!!"

"Oh shut up will you?" She told Alayken who spoke, clearly shocked at the news.

"J..Janet, my you must let go, and save o...our sons"

"You know I am not going to leave you here" she said and started to tie her sons to her body with the help of the pieces of sheets in which they were wrapped by Tessa's mother.

"W...what are you d...doing?" Darian asked while he already guessed her plan and couldn't help but feel proud of this resourceful woman that was his wife.

After securing her sons she picked up the sword and said "Hold on" before bending and holding Darian's wrist and shouting "To Xaincia"

Immediately they were in the main hall of their castle, surrounded by their people. Victoria was first to run towards them closely followed by Roger.

Janet got up from Alayken's legs and ordered "Take my husband to the healing room and arrest Alayken" immediately two guards caught Alayken's arms and hauled him up, while Roger helped up violently shivering Darian and called for the healers to which Darian refused by saying "I'll be fine."

"Victoria, please take my babies, I need to go back." Janet said to her friend, trying to untie the cloth that was holding her sons.

"No... you can't go back" Darian said turning to face her.

"I have to" Janet said desperately after handing over her sons to her friend, who immediately took them away.

"I can't let you go there alone to face Tiatan"

"But Tessa is there and she helped me save our sons. I can't leave her there. She is alone."

"Stefan is there."


"Yes. We went there together to rescue you and Tessa. He only brought the Curse and Pride within the warded boundary of that castle after Alayken told me to leave it out."

"Do you think he would be able to save Tessa from Tiatan?"

"Of course, he was Tiatan's friend remember?"

Alayken's sudden laugh got their attention and he spoke for the first time. "Tiatan is nobody's friend. He is just the slave of his evil wishes"

"Like you?" Darian asked sarcastically. 

The Angel of DeathHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin