Part - 18

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"Oh Gods what have I done..." Stefan thought stumbling back in the jungle. His horse forgotten where he left him before bursting in McCartney's residence.

His mind too muddled to think straight. God this was the greatest sin to seduce one's own daughter.

His heart wasn't ready to accept that, but his brain clearly calculated two and two together. Tessa was nineteen years old and Doris left him for Jason around twenty years ago. Before that she was with him for more then two months.

It's not that he was so careless to get a woman pregnant unknowingly. He always used protection. Actually he always felt so thankful for particularly that mortal invention. Unlike his friends he accepted full responsibility of women's health while they were with him.

But there can be time when he was too drunk to think about protection, but couldn't understand why would Doris raise his daughter here on earth. Why didn't she tell him then? Why didn't she go to  the castle asking for justice.

She would have done that and Stefan would have been forced to accept her. But she didn't no such thing. Why? What could be her motive in hiding Tessa from him?

There is something that's not right and he was definitely going to get to the root of it, but first he have to save Tessa.

If Alayken was right this time then he would have to face Darian again and this time he won't back down, Tessa was much more important then anything and anyone.

"Here you are, I've been waiting for hours." Alayken said hurrying towards him as he entered the gate.

"Where is the lass? You didn't find her?" He asked looking around Stefan.

"Quit jesting uncle, you know very well she is not here"

"I also know that Darian took her to Xaincia but you wouldn't believe me." Alayken said moving away towards the gate then stopped and asked "Where is my horse? "


"Aye, my horse. Which I lent you to go after the lass"

"I must have forgotten him at McCartney's" Stefan said shrugging his shoulders before pulling his dirty shirt off and marching in the cabin.

"You get my horse back Stefan. You can't expect me to limp back to the circle of stones!" Alayken shouted after him.

"The circle of stones are the gates of Xaincia, not Nomansland's. You can go back the way you came." Stefan snapped coming out donning the clean shirt and strapping the his hunting knife on his thigh before picking up the Curse and Pride.

Alayken watched him move around as if getting ready for war. With great difficulty he suppressed his winning smile and said "You are right nephew, we must go back to Nomansland at once..."

"I am not going with you anywhere." Stefan cut in before he could complete.

"But why not?"

"Get it straight uncle. I am happy that you are okay and it was good to see you again but I am not going anywhere with you."

"Then how would I go back? I thought..." he trailed away looking at the Curse and Pride in Stefan's hands.

Stefan looked down at the sword then shook his head before replying "Don't get any idea about starting again what we started five years back. I am changed. I don't want the power I am unable to hold. She is going back where she belongs."

"Fine. But what about the lass? Would you leave her there to face sure death?"

"That's my problem, I'll handle it myself. You go back"

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