It Won't Mend Your Heart

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Lissa's P.O.V:

Danny's older brother James, also the bassist of the crash, comes over to greet me. I take in how much he and Danny have both changed. I haven't seen either of them for at least two years, and the amount they've changed is overwhelming. Danny no longer has his braces, and the once shaved sides of his head have now grown back, thicker and darker than ever. He seems to have grown so much taller, and gotten so much bigger. It's all changed so quickly.

James has a few more piercings than the last time I saw them, and his hair that used to end at his jaw, now flows down to his shoulders. Both of the boys, have gotten heavily tattooed. The tight navy shirt that Danny is wearing, just enhances his muscles, and the sleeves are folded just before his elbow, showing what look like sleeves covering both of his arms.

Max leads us all through to the stage and helps the boys set up as me Danny and James sit in front of the stage, talking about the old days. I see George sit on the stage behind the drum kit and give me a thumbs up.

Adam is next to take the stage followed suit by Ross. They all begin strumming and George starts tapping out a beat and adjusts the drum stool.

Then, all of a sudden there he is. Matty is stood with his head down, cascades of dark curls falling into his face.

A delightful little tune begins to play, and Matt nods his head along with it, Ross and Adam smiling at each other and George trying to calm himself down.

Then there it is again. His soothing voice.
"Straight lines, that unwind you" his head lifts and he looks out at me and the others.
"She does a little thing with her eyes that says we're off soon" his dark chocolate eyes zero in on mine, and its almost that I can see the thoughts swirling round in that messy old brain of his.
"She says the bleeding's incidental, cause she's so cool" he winks at me, its as if he's trying to relate those lyrics to me some how.
"She said I'm no fun if I've only a bottle of wine." His eyes close as he sings the next line.
"Now she's doing it all the time" his head bops along to the song, and it continues, and I think this is the best of theirs I've heard. Matty had bluetoothed me all of the songs he had.

As the song finished, Matty ran his hands through his hair. I then heard a familiar intro, and the boys launched into 'The City' I sang along under my breath, and tapped my feet, along with Georges drums.

I blink and its over, I'm mesmerised when they play, I think they go to another place, or at least that's what it seems like. Matty jumps off the stage and walks over to the three of us, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"What did you think princess?" Matty asks, that cheeky half smirk creeping into his face.

"Loved it" I smile up at him "what did you tow think?"

Danny and James just start clapping and congratulate the boys, telling them that they really love their sound, or something like that.

"Anyway, how come you didn't tell me you were here?" I ask punching Danny in the arm

"We were only passing through, when the other three moan that they're hungry and our manager arranges a stop and for us to come and meet Max and get to know the venue. Anyway, we best dash off. I'll ring you later." Danny hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek, over his shoulder I see Matty's jaw clench and he twitches slightly. James hugs me goodbye and the boys wave as the two brothers exit the door.

I check my phone for the time, and realise that it's one.
"I should probably get going"

"You don't know the way back" Ross says

"I'll walk her" Matty pipes in.

I pull on my leather jacket, and Matty follows suit. Opening the door with one hand and waving bye to the boys with the other. The cool autumn air brushes against my cheeks as I pull my jacket tighter around my body. Matty pulls out a pack of cigs, and offers me one. Graciously accepting I pull out my lighter, flick down the button and bring it to the end of the stick dangling out of my mouth. We stop in a doorway and his head is close to mine, as he lights the end of his fag. He inhales and looks at me through the cloud of smoke, smiling slightly. I take a long drag, savouring every second, as the last time I had a smoke was about three days ago.

We begin walking again, throwing small talk back and forth.

"We're having this thing at my place tomorrow" he smiles, scratching the back of his head and looking up at the sky, "the boys are coming over and there'll be a few drinks, some music, you're welcome to come and stay the night, we're all sleeping in my living room!"

"Sounds like fun, and hey I'm new around here what else would I have to do on a Friday night. I'll ask my dad and let you know tomorrow"

He smiles and nods, as we reach the college, the bell rings and he gives me a hug goodbye and I put my cigarette out on the floor, squashing it with my boot.

I walk toward the building and find my last class of the day.

I'm late, and I know that so when I knock on the door and hear an exasperated "come in!" I take that as my queue to enter. The lady standing at the front welcomes me to Art, hands me a sketchbook and tells me to take a seat at the back. The hour consists of sketching and introducing us to the project.

At the end of the lesson, I stand by the gates and wait for Jake, when my phone buzzes in my pocket.

'How was your art lesson?
-M x'

'Boring if I'm honest.
-L x'

'Me and the boys are going to the park later, and they said I should ask you.
-M x'

'Yeah, sounds good will you come and pick me up?
-L x'

'Sure, tell me your address and we'll be there at quarter past three.
-M x'

'13 park avenue, see you at quarter past.
-L x'

'See you then princess.
-M x'

Jake is there, and we begin the walk home, he asks me about my day, and I ask him about his.

"So, you pretty obviously weren't on your own all day, where'd you go at lunch?" He asks.

"I went to this venue, with these lads I met."


"Matty, George Adam and Ross, why?"

"I was just wondering, that's all."

The conversation is ended there, as we reach the house, with half an hour before the boys were coming to pick me up. Uncle Alex is sat in the kitchen, drinking coffee as we walk through the door, he greets us and asks about our day, I tell him that I enjoyed it and that I would be going out soon, and he nods, obviously quite happy that I've made some friends.

(~I really hope you guys are enjoying this and a special thank you to happycloud101 for reading and voting for every chapter. Please feel free to comment and let me know what you think, and I am really grateful that someone is reading this.

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