We're Off Soon

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Lissa's P.O.V:

We invite Emily to join us tonight, cause there's nothing better to do in a small town on a Friday night. I think she's got a thing for George too. So she meets me and Matty at the gates when she finished whatever lesson she was in. Chemistry or something, I've got no clue if I'm honest. I see a smile on her face as she walks towards us, noticing that we're laughing and the air of anger is gone.

I see Jake walking over, and begin to worry for Matty's safety. Matty starts to walk off as Jake  approaches us.

"Matt" he shouts "Hold on man," he honestly looks upset "I'm sorry for yesterday I was goners I had no idea what I was doing." Jake mumbles playing nervously with his hands.

"We've all been there man," Matty replies "no biggie, but look after yourself for her sake and no one elses." He motions to me.

Jake nods as though he understands and begins to walk waiting for us to catch up. Matty pulls me in for a hug.

"See you at seven Princess." He whispers and good god I just love it when he calls me that, it makes me feel all fuzzy and warm and that's a feeling I've missed. I smile up at him and nod hugging him tighter. Eventually letting go, I link with Emily and begin walking towards Jake.

There's a bit of small talk exchanged on the walk home but honestly I wasn't paying attention. I was thinking about what to wear.

We reached the front door and i could hear Sam humming from the kitchen. Oh what I would do without that woman I don't know.

I lead Em into the kitchen and see Sam's eyes widen as she realises i've actually made a female friend.

"LISS" she shrieks "why did you not tell me you were bringing guests." She attempts to fix her hair even though she looks perfect as always.

I sit at the counter. Picking up an apple from the fruit bowl i mumble "This is Em." Taking another large bite from the sweet piece of fruit in my palm "Em this is my Auntie Sam."

Em smiles a greeting as she shifts around awkwardly.

"Have a seat dear," Sam beams "what are your plans for tonight, need to know incase your dad asks." She mumbles beginning to throw some pizzas in the oven and put together a salad.

"Going to that thing at the bar with dad," i utter finishing off my apple and throwing the core into the bin "Then a party with Matty and the boys. If dad asks, me and em are staying in a room together."

Sam nods cutting up a cucumber and some lettuce, "There's some cartons of that sangria your dad said you liked in the fridge and a bottle of sambuca in the wardrobe in your room." She smiles with a wink " I know where Jake stores his booze." She laughs.

"Have you got a curling wand?" Em Turns and asks me.

"Yeah i do, follow me." I get up and gesture for her to join me "Thanks Sam!" I shout grabbing the sangria, two glasses and heading upstairs.

I push open the door into my room and scramble to find the sambuca in the wardrobe.

"Wow your aunt is so chill." Em laughs gazing around the room.

"Yeah she's brilliant," i smile as my hands finally grasp the clear glass bottle that I was looking for "Jackpot!" I smirk up at Em and invite her to begin curling her hair, as i plug in the curler next to the only mirror in the room.

I pull my cigarette packet from my backpack, pulling one out and bringing my lighter to the end. I open my windows and decide to see if Matty can get me another pack cause I'm smoking my last one oops.

Heyyyyyyyy x

What do you want now Princess? ;) x

Tbh i could do with a pack of fags, I'll chuck you the money for them when you get here x

Aye aye captain, I'm going to hop in the shower now so I'll see you at 7 with fags x

"Bless him" I laugh to myself really chucking my phone onto the bed deciding I need a shower too.

"Matty?" Emily asks looking up at me with a knowing grin spread across her face

"Yeah, it was. I'm going to jump in the shower, you good?" She nods so i take that as my cue to head to the bathroom and run a shower.

I wash my body with coconut shower gel and use my usual purple shampoo and conditioner throughout my hair. I step out the shower and wrap a towel around my body and another around my damp hair. I pull on my matching lacy black underwear and throw on my dressing gown whilst i get ready.

I walk back into my bedroom and pour us both a glass of sangria, making a start on my makeup. We continue to get ready blasting music and having a laugh. Emily has her hair neatly curled, a light bronze smokey eye and bright red lip. She looks stunning in a shimmery gold dress and black strappy heels.

I have my hair half pulled into a messy bun, the rest flowing down next to some gold hoops that hang nicely in my ears. Oranges and reds cover my eyelids in an attempt at a smokey eye, and a subtle nude graces my lips. A low cut black dress that stops in the middle of my thigh cover's my slightly taller than usual frame. I lace up my chunky heeled boots as I hear my dad rush downstairs to open the door.

"Shit," Em whispers "It's the boys." She giggled looking through my bedroom window
"Well let's get down to them then." I mutter pulling my bag over my shoulder and wobbling a little as I open the door.

There he is, in the hallway with George looking very scared of my dad.

"Liss," my dad sighs "we're going to the pub, not the fashion show."

I flip him my middle finger and waltz into the kitchen holding my bag to try and hide the obvious clanking, as i grab some pizza and salad.

Suddenly I'm being dragged out the front door and into the cold, this is going to be a class night.

(AN: sangria is like a wine cocktail kind of thing and it's bloody lovely, sorry this one's a little boring but enjoy,

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