Speaking in bodies

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Matty's P.O.V:

I can't believe that this precious little angel that's asleep in my arms, went through all that before she was even fifteen. Christ!
I mean I thought i was bad. I can see now why there was a weird vibe with them today. Now most people would judge her for doing that at that age, but personally I think fuck it, it just means she's had to grow up quickly, shes got some baggage but heck, hasn't everyone.
Shes just too good to let go of right now.

Lissa's P.O.V:

It's the middle of the night, and Matty is lying asleep next to me, he held me until I fell asleep, I can't believe how understanding he's been about the whole thing, the only one who knows about the miscarriage was Aunty Sam, dad was working away in Manchester, while I finished the school year and got ready to move up there. So she was staying with me, to look after me, and I can still remember the look on her face when she found me, lying on the bathroom floor bleeding and crying, she just sat with me and hugged me. She told me about how Mum had thought she'd miscarried when she had me, but obviously she hadn't, which is why Sam thinks Mum has always been so strange with me.

Matty stirs and wakes me from the train of thought I was about to drive off the edge of a cliff. His slender arm crawls over my stomach and pulls me to him, as he nuzzles his head into my shoulder and whispers softly "go to sleep princess" whilst kissing gently the side of my neck.

I slump further down the bed into his arms and kiss his cheek gently so as not to wake him. With his lips parted and hair all out of his face, he looks so peaceful and as though the weight of the world is on anyone's shoulders but his.

The next thing I know George is barging in through the door screaming something about it being half past five and him wanting pancakes.
"George..." Matty groans "Fuck Off!"
"Not until you agree to make me pancakes" George sticks his tongue out and slams the door.

Matty rolls over and pushes himself up, so hes hovering over me, he kisses me on the nose, "Looks like that was our wake up call Princess." He slides out of bed and throws on a shirt, pulling me up and out of the bed. I throw my hair up into a messy bun and remind myself to brush it later.

We hold hands as we walk in to the open plan kitchen and living room where George is sat on the counter looking like an excited child on Christmas morning.

"Do you like pancakes Lissa?" George asks smiling giddily.
"Unfortunately no," I smile back.
"We've got cereal or you can have some toast," Matty smiles while getting out the stuff to make pancakes and whisking up a batter.

George pulls out his phone and begins to play some music through a speaker system, he decides upon some old school Arctic monkeys.

Matty plates up some pancakes for George and offers me tea or coffee. He passes me a cup of hot coffee just the way I like it, no milk with two sugars. He smiles at me over the breakfast bar as he's tucking into his pancakes and I'm swallowing the warm bitter liquid that's flowing down my throat.

George goes to get a shower as me and Matty lie on the sofa, watching Scooby doo, just like I used to when I was a kid, he sits with his head on my chest and his body between my knees that are exposed by his baggy black basketball shorts. I play with the curls that flow from his head, and wrap them gently around my fingers.

"When was the last time you watched Scooby doo?" I asked, really out of nowhere.
"Probably last month, with my little brother, when was the last time you watched it?" He replies, suddenly going very distant.
"When I was like eleven." I laugh as George emerges from the door to the hall and Matty gets up to go and have a shower.
"I'm going for a ciggy if that's alright G?" I ask to George as he looks through the fridge for a drink.
"Yeah sure sweet cheeks, you know where the balcony is right?"
I nod and head out with my cigarettes and jacket, wrapping it loosely around my shoulders, I check my phone as I go out.

I sit on the cold concrete floor and dangle my legs over the edge of the balcony lighting my cigarette and inhaling deeply.

I scroll through my texts and find one from Danny

' Hey darling, I hope you're okay, I can tell you and Jay argued, I know the both of you too well. I'll let you know when I'm next in town so we can go for a coffee
-Danny x'

'Yeah hun, I'm fine, and I wouldn't worry about it, you know what he's like, and that sounds lovely, a Starbucks date it is :*
-Lissa x'

Then there's one from my dad, oh joy.

'The thing at my mates bar starts at half seven, so can you and your mates be at our for seven? So we can all make our way together, love you lis-bear
-Dad x'

'That sounds great dad, we'll be there for seven, love you too papa-bear
-Lissa x'

I sigh and put my phone back into my jacket pocket,taking the last drag of my cigarette and going back in to get ready for college.

(A/N, hey everyone, sorry I haven't really been updating, theres been things going on, but I will be regularly updating

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