He's got a heart made of stone

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Lissa's POV:

George taps out a beat with his hands on the dark wood of the bench as he converses casually with Matty. Adam and Ross leave quietly to go to their girlfriends and it goes quiet very quickly.

"So what are you studying?" Matty asks pulling a lighter from his jacket pocket and flipping it in his hands.

"Art music and English lit, how about you two?"

George clears his throat and mumbles something about him studying architecture and design.

Matt shakes his head "I'm in music too, me and the boys are in a band together."

"Wow that's really cool."

"OH SHIT." George shouts jumping up,and grabbing his bag "MY DESIGN COURSEWORK IS LATE" he dashes off heading towards the main building.

"Looks like it's just you and me princess, I'm going for a smoke, you coming?" Matty asks holding out his hand for me. I grab his hand pulling my legs from underneath the bench. My hand feels tiny compared to his and the rough tips of his fingers dance in circles on the back of my hand.

He takes me around to the back of the building and assures me that we have enough time until we have to be in first. He slumps his back against the red brick wall and lowers down so he's sat on the floor and pats the spot next to him. I oblige and sit by him, soaking up his presence while he smokes and we talk about the band. He promises to burn me a CD and we swap numbers so that we can meet up during our free lessons.

The bell rings and he leads me to the English lit class and tells me to wait afterwards so that we can walk to music together. He walks away from me and I enter the door. Here begins a new set of the same classes.

(A/N Hey guys some feedback would be greatly appreciated so let me know what you think I won't be going into detail of the classes that she doesn't share with the boys. ~Lucy)

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