Go and Lie on The floor If you Want

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Lissa's P.O.V:

By the time the joint reaches me again, I can already feel a buzz pounding gently in my head. Matty's warm hand rests gently on my hip, rubbing circles with his thumb on my lower back.

How is he so relaxed about this?

How can he just touch me like that?

I pass the joint over to George, and he finishes it off. Matty is zoning out, looking sort of at my thigh, when I realise that my tattoo is slightly on show. I nudge my shoulder into his bony one, and he jolts up, slamming his feet down into the leaves.

"Oi oi" George shouts "feisty one there" he starts laughing, and Ross and Adam make an excuse to leave, so I'll have to walk back, which is okay, its a twenty minute walk at best. Matty's hand falls on my thigh and he starts tracing the tattoo on my leg.

"So.." George says "Do you pair fancy going on the swings?"

"Fuck yeah!" Matty shouts jumping up and pulling me with him, I fall gently into his chest and he clutches my shoulder so that I don't fall.

George stands from the log, and I realise how tall he actually is, he towers over my tiny 5'1 frame. His matted blonde hair falls in front of his face and he huffs a breath up moving it from his line of vision. He drops his centre of gravity and changes stance. "I'll race you!" He shouts charging ahead of the two of us down the small footpath out of the glade. Matty pulls me onto his back and I wrap my legs around his hips and my arms around his shoulders, he chuckles, lifts me up and starts running after George.

George runs way ahead of us, and as he reaches the swings, he jumps into one and starts to swing his long clumsy legs backwards and then forwards. Matty reaches the swing next to him, I drop off of his back and stand in front of him. He plops his skinny arse onto the piece of rotten old plastic, gripping the thin metal chains in his rough hands, he looks me in the eyes and then nods to the seat next to him.

I sit in the swing and begin to push myself, gazing up at the sky, as the orange from the sun bleeds into the pale blue sky. Fluffy white clouds dot through my vision.

Matty's P.O.V:

God. She's gorgeous.

The way her hair frames her face, makes her jawline look even more delicate. I just want to hold her face in my hands, and stare into those beautiful hazel eyes of hers. She's just staring up into the sky, as though it's the most amazing thing she's ever seen. Her eyes are wide open in awe, and her delicate lips are parted slightly and look perfect and soft, I could just kiss her right then and there.

And then the moments gone, she noticed my staring, pushed her hair behind her ear and looks down, a red flush covering her cheeks.

Lissa's P.O.V:

He was staring at me, is there something on my face, oh God, what is on my face?

George stands up from his swing and decides to go to the shop and get a pack of rizlas.

When George has gone, its just me and Matty in the park. I can't do anything but stare at my lap, and play with my hands.

Suddenly, theres this warmth on the side of my face, I look up to see Matty's face right in front of mine, his palm pressed against my face. He gently pulls my face towards his, I close my eyes as I feel his lips collide with mine, and all I can feel at that moment is utter bliss.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I hear a faniliar voice shout.

Then its gone, the moment has passed, Matty pulls away, and is stood awkwardly at my shoulder.

Then I see who it was that shouted, it was Jake, and his group of dodgy mates from the year below me and Matty.

"It'S got nothing to do with you" I reply, hoping he'll leave it, he seems to be unable to stand in one spot, and his mates are holding glass bottles in their hands. His breath wreaks of booze.

"WHAT aRE You DOinG With THAT WaNKEr?"

"Listen Jake, your mashed, let me take you home."

"No," he pushes me back "Listen YOU," he points a finger at Matty "YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU LIKE, AS LONG AS THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HER."

"What's this about?" I look at Matty and then at Jake, I'm really confused.


He storms up to Matty and shouts "THIS IS FOR HER." I can see whats going to happen before it does, I see his fist pull back, and I'm trying to do something about it, I try to scream, I try to stop it, I just can't.

His fist collides with Matty's face, and blood begins to spill from his nose and it trickles from the left corner of his mouth as I watch the boy I was kissing just minutes ago fall to the floor.

(Let me know if you want me to continue this, really sorry about not uploading sooner, but I've just started my last year of school, so yeah.

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