For Crying Out Loud..

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Lissa's P.O.V:

I pull myself along the hall, dragging my feet into Matty's room, where I hurriedly get dressed after my shower in their spaceship. Why does a shower need so many buttons? Like seriously who does  that.

I dig through my bag to try and find the makeup I threw in their yesterday when the door swings open.

"Watcha doing princess?" Matty asks inquisitively leaning in through the door.

"Trying to find my makeup babe." I rush out a reply as I finally grasp the small bag I had been looking for.

Matty comes and sits on his bed beside me, as I open my mirror, swipe a baby wipe over my face, and apply some concealer and eyeliner as Matty watches, not taking his eyes away for a second. I splash on some red lipstick throw everything back into my backpack and stand up, pulling Matty up with me. I lean up and leave a red lip stick mark on his cheek. As we walk into the kitchen, George is sat there, rolling some fags cross legged his tongue sticking out of his mouth in concentration.

Matty drops my hand and walks over to George taking the fag out of his hand to finish rolling it for  him.
"Thanks man, we best leave in a sec, to meet the lads." George says sliding off the counter top and putting his arms through his backpack straps.

Matty nods and grabs his jacket, as I do the same and follow the two boys out of the apartment door.

"Oh uh guys I forgot to ask you, do you fancy going to this thing at a bar, my dad wants me to go, and told me to ask you." I ask, playing nervously with my hands as I follow them around unfamiliar streets, taking unknown steps in a direction I've never traveled before.

"Yeah sure, we'll go and then we can all come back to mine afterwards like we planned." Matty replies smiling at me and walking backwards, and for the first time that morning, I notice that he's wearing the same catfish and the bottlemen shirt as I am.

We reach the college gates and we sit on the same bench we did yesterday.
Today George taps out a different beat, with the end of his lighter, I begin to recognise it as the city, and begin to sing the words lowly underneath my breath.
Matty joins in, looking into my eyes and smiling. If I could spend an eternity in this moment I would, it is utterly perfect, his eyes are sparkling with enthusiasm and our voices are combining into one beautiful sound that I just can't explain.

The bell rings throughout the school, and bodies quickly scuffle and run to reach their lessons. I bid the boys goodbye as I head towards my art lesson.

I take my seat near the back next to this quiet girl, who's doodling the name Emily onto the front of her sketchbook. The teacher storms into the room slamming the door and waking some of the students from their slumber.

"Today I want to see what you've got!" She exclaims walking to the chalk board and picking up a squared white stick of chalk. "Your task within the hour that we have, is to complete one pencil drawing in your sketchbook that you can be proud of." She says as she writes the task on the board in a messy chicken scratch font, "And if I hear one phone go off what so ever you will be off this course!"

I pull my sketchbook out from my bag, along with the few pencils that were floating around the bottom of my bag with packs of chewing gum and the occasional earring. I have no clue what to draw, I haven't drawn in so long, I don't know if I even can anymore, I allow my pencil to draw a strong masculine jaw, and flow around it to create a mass of curls, and before I even realise it,I've drawn him. The girl next to me, who I assume to be Emily, asks "is that Matty?" She has a very soft melodic voice that sounds like it would belong to the queen of some of fairy land or something.
"Uh. Yeah I guess it is," I laugh, bemused by him being the thing at the forefront of my mind, "Do you know him?" I ask to be polite and try and find some common ground, because we're going to have to sit together for a while.
"I guess you could say that." She sighs, shading in a small section of the rose she's drawn flowering from the eye socket of a skull.
"We used to be really close, but we kinda drifted apart," she seems upset by this.
I don't think I was meant to hear what she said next, as it was in such hushed tones, it would be difficult for most people to catch, "I miss him.."

"Have you got any plans for today's dinner?" I ask her, as she shakes her head "good, cause I would like it if you would join me and the boys, if that's alright with you."

"I'd love that," she smiles "thanks Liz."

"I prefer Lissa,"

"Sorry," she laughs "I'm Emily by the way."

"I thought so." I said as I finish shading in Matty's mad curls.

I look up at the clock and see that we have fifteen minutes left as I finish up the portrait. Miss begins to walk around, inspecting everyone's work, and when she reaches mine and Emily's table in the back corner of the room, she sits in one of the empty seats and asks Emily to show her what she has drawn.

"Wow." Miss says "very well shaded, the rose is very intricate, I'm impressed."

She passes back Emily's sketchbook and signals for me to pass her mine.
"Now you, Lissa is it?" I nod "your reputation proceeds you, I'm expecting great things from you. My son used to teach you in York, he works here now, in the music department and as soon as he saw your name on his register and then on mine, he was ecstatic to have your talent in his class once again."

"I knew I recognised him from somewhere," I laugh "I've been trying to improve on my portrait work for a while." Miss nods and walks back to the front to tell everyone to pack up.

As I put everything back in my bag, I tell Emily to meet us at the gates at dinner, so we can all go to the park, I then head off to music to show Matty my portrait, and to speak to jack about how life's been since he left York.

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