If You Wanna Find Love

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Lissa's P.O.V:

I begin to stand in front of the broken boy next to me, and his hand grasps my shoulder.

"Please stay tonight?" His voice whispers as his sunk in chocolate brown eyes frantically search mine.

"I'll have to call my dad. Is there anywhere I can go to talk to him?"

Matty nods and takes my hand leading me to one of the doors in the corridor, and showing me to a balcony. The horizon is lit with hundreds of tiny lights, and clouds fill the now almost black sky. Stars attempt to break through the thick blanket of cloud, and the half full moon glows down onto the sleeping city.

I hear the door shut, and pull out my phone and cigarettes from my pocket. This is going to be a long phone call.

I punch in my dads number, and quickly spark up a fag, listening to that repetitive ringing, until I hear a click and then a cough.

"What time do you call this? Where are you? Sam said you'd gone out, I'm just on my way back now."

"Er hi dad," I take a long drag " listen uh one of my mates got in a fight, and"

"They what?!?!"

I can hear his blood boiling through the phone "it wasn't his fault dad, some kid walked right up to him and started beating him up. And they've asked me to stay with them tonight, to keep an eye on him."

"You think I'm going to let you stay round some random lads house, I don't even know where you are. Do you even know where you are? Jesus fucking Christ, I swear you're preparing me for an early grave. You know that girl. You said you were going to stick at college this time anyway? What the fuck happened to that?!"

"Dad, we go to college together, I am going to stick at it, I just I really need to stay with him tonight dad, he's in a real bad way."

"So this lad really got him good then..."

"Yeah he did." I take the last puff of my cigarette and stomp it out. "He's a good lad dad, I swear to you. I'm not going to get up to anything, I'm just going to make sure he's okay."

"Alright, well one of my old mates bar has got something on tomorrow night, and I would like you to come, you can bring your mates if you want, they'll probably know where it is."

"Yeah alright, bye dad."

I put down the phone and lean onto the balcony, what on earth have I gotten myself mixed up in.

I head back in through the door and into the room I was first brought into. George and Matty are sat on the sofa, staring into the TV together. Matty looks up as I enter and smiles at me.

"Hey little one." George murmurs, "you fancy joining us?"

I clamber onto the sofa between the two boys and lean my head on George's shoulder. Matty puts his head gently on my lap. I play with the delicate brown curls that flow from his head. His breathing begins to slow. I feel him drifting off, and I look over to George to see him smiling at the two of us.

"He really likes you," George whispers "like seriously."

Matty stirs and clutches my hand suddenly. His eyes slam open and hes breathing heavily.

His chocolate orbs bore into my eyes, staring straight through me.

"I'm gonna go and meet Adam and Ross, they're on their way over, I'll be back in half an hour." George says starting to stand "don't do anything I wouldn't do guys."

He stands and unlocks the door, waving goodbye to me and Matty as he leaves.

Matty stands suddenly "Come with me," he reaches out his hand "I'm not gonna kill you. C'mon princess."

I grasp his hand and lace my fingers through his. He leads me up off the sofa and back into his room.

He sits down on the bed and pulls me onto his lap, his arms wrap around my body. His hand grasps the side of my face pulling it gently towards his, and he crashes his lips onto mine. His passion attacks me like tidal waves, and his lips feel like heaven.

~Hey guys, its been a while but I really needed to release this chapter, I had perfected it, and then it deleted, so its taken me ages to rewrite, but I've got something very big coming up don't you worry.

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