Better Off?

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     I sat in my dark room after I had gotten home from The Bean. I was exhausted, physically from working all morning and mentally from everything that had happened with Joe. I had been sitting here on my bed for the past three hours, midnight rolling around. I laid back against my pillows just as my phone lit up, buzzing with Alex's name across the screen. I took a deep breath and answered it. "Hey." I said, forcing a happy tone. "Everything okay Mia?" his voice was soothing and I smiled a little. "Yeah, I will be. I'm sorry you had to get roped into that. I know you guys are friends, and I'm fine with that." "Mia don't apologize. You're a cool fucking chick and anyone who lets you slip through their fingers is stupid." "Perfect best friend response." "Well we are best friends. I can come pick you up, we can grab a late night snack." "That actually sounds perfect. See you in ten?" "I'll be there." he said and I hung up the phone. Seeing Alex would help, help me feel a little less miserable.

     Alex and I had just pulled into the Taco Bell drive thru when my phone went off. "Who is it?" Alex looked over at me, looking just as confused as I felt. It was almost one in the morning, who would call me this late? I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, Rex's name on the screen. "Hello?" I asked as Alex ordered. "Hey, sorry for calling so late. I just left Joe's and...I know you don't want to hear anything about him but he was drinking and he just seemed...I don't know just not himself. I was worried he would try to call you and I just wanted to worn you." Rex sighed, I could hear the stress coming from his voice. He cared about his friend, and even though I was angry I cared about Joe too. "Is he okay?" I asked, Alex looking over at me. He put his hand on my thigh and smiled. "I don't know, I think so. Just don't answer if he calls, I mean I know you have every right to tear him another but can you just skip it tonight. If he calls just let it go to voicemail." 'Yeah, of course. I wouldn't have answered anyway Rex." "Okay, thanks Mia. Listen you're coming out tomorrow night right? Josh and Mike will be back and I know they all want to see you." "Yes, for sure. I want to see them too, I'm sure Alex would love to catch up with them too." "Yeah, good. I'll see you then." "Bye Rex." I hung up the phone and sighed. "Here you go." the drive thru guy handed us two large bags and two large drinks before Alex sped off.

     Alex followed me inside my house. We dropped the Taco Bell bags on the counter and I turned on the lights. "Was that Rex, on the phone?" he asked me as he poured the contents of the bag out on the counter. He grabbed a couple of tacos and headed for the couch. "Yeah, he just wanted to give me a heads up that Joe might call tonight. I guess he was in kind of an odd mood. Plus he wanted to invite us out tomorrow night, Josh and Mike are coming home." I smiled and grabbed two tacos of my own, plopping down on the couch next to him. "Oh yeah? That'll be a lot of fun. You know where we're going?" Alex said before taking a huge bite of taco. I laughed at him and shook my head, "Probably Vanity or something." "That's cool...I'm ready to dance a little." he moved his shoulders up and down, making me laugh again. "Will Joe be there?" Alex looked at me, a sense of guilt lingering in his eyes. "I'm sure...don't feel bad for being his friend Alex. I'm not the type of person that expects my best friend to hate the same people I do, besides I don't hate Joe." I looked away from Alex now, staring at the left over taco in my lap. "I just don't want things to get weird between us." Alex scooted over and put his arm around me. I smiled. "They won't. We're all adults, he made a decision and I did too." I turned my face to his and kissed him softly, Alex responding quickly, grabbing the side of my face and kissing me back. I was better off with Alex, Alex was better. Right? Yes, of course. Everything was simple with Alex.

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