The Day Before

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(This time period is after books 1-9, cuz....I'm fabulous....Anyways, there are spoilers and references from those books so READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.)

Nikki's Point of View

I sit on my bed, sulking because I've been here for an hour trying to get my suitcase to close. I didn't think I would pack so much stuff but I guess it turns out there was a lot I wanted to bring.

Well, what can you do.....

I get up and just grab an old bag from my closet and stuff my brush, creams, perfumes, and various products in it. It doesn't seem like they'll fit in my suitcase anyways.

I didn't think I'd pack so much. Who knew I had so much stuff to bring with me?

I sigh.

I'll just have more to carry. I didn't want to have to do this, but I guess I didn't have a choice.

Why was I going on this trip again?

Oh yeah.

Flashback-------------5 days ago

"Hey Nikki," Chloe says, smiling slyly.

Chloe and Zoey came to visit me at my house, and we were talking at the kitchen table.

"Yeah Chloe?" I ask, curious as to why she's making such a sinister face.

Zoey walks up next to her and grins.

"We planned a trip for the whole gang!" They both say at the same time.

"To where?" I ask, hoping it's not too far.

"San Antonio," They say.

Well, it's not going to kill me to go that far. I don't know if I can go, though.

"I don't know about that guys," I say, a little bit worried about managing that type of thing.

"It's only a week," Chloe says.

"Brandon will be there," Zoey adds, smiling. Chloe makes kissing noises next to her.

I can feel heat rise to my face and I look away.

"I'll try to find a way to go," I say finally.

"Yes! Mission accomplished." Chloe says, and smiles at me.

"It's not for sure yet," I say, but they're still high-fiving and smiling.

I just laugh and watch them.

"When is it?" I ask, and they stop for a second.

"Less than a week from now," Zoey replies.

"Violet can't come though, she's busy with other things." Chloe says, a little sadly but otherwise understanding.

"Well, not everything is perfect..." Zoey says, spacing out.

The room is silent for a moment and then I break the silence as I clap my hands loudly.

"Okay then, who's ready to watch an episode with Tyra Banks?" I say, and they roll their eyes and laugh.

"Beat you to the TV," Chloe says and she runs toward the living room.

We laugh, running behind her.

Flashback Completed------------

It's not like this trip is gonna kill me anyways. I already asked my mom t four days ago and she said it's okay but to keep my phone charged at all times and to call her twice a day.

I'm kind of surprised she agreed-but hey, I'm not exactly complaining.

I wonder what Brandon is gonna do. It hasn't been very long since I've seen him, but a lot of stuff has happened. I still can't believe he forgave me after I said those rude things to him-which I didn't mean to say-and then I pelted him...with trash. But that was during school.......

But at least we went to that nice cupcake place together. He's so nice. I don't deserve a friend like him.


Is he technically a friend?

I mean...he kissed me, right?

But I don't know if that kiss really meant that.

But he cares about me. At least I can only assume so. Right?


Does he want to be more than friends?


I bang my head against the wall. I'm so confused! Why are boys so confusing?! I sit on my bed and sigh.

I leave tomorrow morning, so I need to calm down and stop thinking so much. This is the last trip of the summer, and I have to enjoy it. I can't keep thinking about his eyes...or the way he brushes his bangs out of his eyes...or his lips....


I get up and I bang my head against the wall rhythmically.

Suddenly, I hear the door open and I look towards the door.

It's Brianna.

"Um....Nikki? What are you doing?" She asks, looking at me curiously.

Completely out of it, I'm just honest.

"I was banging my head against the wall," I say staring at the wall that reflects the dark abyss of my soul.

"Um....why?" She asks, and I look at her.

"You'll understand when you're older, Brianna." I say.

She shrugs. "Whatever. Anyways, Oliver is coming over in 'bout twenty minutes. Mom says that you have to watch us."

"Okay," I say, silently sulking about not being able to watch my show that I recorded.

She skips out the door, closing it behind her. I sigh and flop on my bed, grabbing my phone and scrolling through my old texts.

I pass some old ones from Brandon, and I'm reminded of the Sweetheart Dance. Those nasty texts that came from Mackenzie, and then the revenge text I sent back.

Despite the horrible things that happened, the night still ended up magical. My heart starts to pound when I think of Brandon and our dance together. He's the only one that can do that to me. He's helped me so much.

Chloe and Zoey have always helped me too. They cheer me up all the time, and I can't ask for better friends. They forgave me even when I did terrible things. They are amazing people.

I hear my door open, and it's my mom.

"Oliver is here, and I'm counting on you." She says, smiling. She walks away afterwards.

It's that time already? Soaking in old memories takes more time than I thought. Oh well. It was worth it.

I smile. I take Maxine (The sock puppet that she had made on the great sock puppet expedition with Oliver and Brianna.) and head out.

Time to take care of the children!


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