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Nikki's Point of View

(Author's Note: Two words. College. Sucks.)

I watch as Brandon lifts his hand up and touches my cheek. I stand, frozen, surprised by his sudden action.

He looks intense, as if he's thinking hard about something. He shakes his head softly.

He sighs and smiles.

"Um...Brandon...What is-" I say, but am interrupted by the soft kiss Brandon places on my cheek.

He pulls me into his arms, barely giving me time to react, and I am met with his warmth.

I can hear his heart beating, and it's rapid and steady rhythm. He nuzzles himself closer to me and chuckles.

"I believe out of everything here, Nikki, you have to be the most beautiful." He says softly, almost as if he's been happily defeated.

You can't. Believe.
How. Red.
I. Turned.

I. Was.


...No, imagine the redness of a potato x infinity on max brightness.

"Nikki?" I hear Brandon say, bringing me back to earth.

"Yes?" I reply.

I am interrupted by his kiss on my lips, my lips....

His lips are soft.

My heart is pounding.

Is this real?

The Last TripTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang