We're Here

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Nikki's Point of View

I wake up, and the last thing I remember is getting drowsy looking out the window. I feel something warm surrounding the top part of my body. I suddenly realize I was sleeping on Brandon's shoulder. I'm...on....his shoulder......and he's sleeping with me.............

My heart starts racing rapidly, and I can feel my face heating up. OMG I'M ON HIM WHAT DO I DO??!!! >o<

I just stay frozen, listening to Brandon's soft breathing, and I feel strangely calm even as my heart beats become faster. It's like I'm nervous and calm at the same time! I slowly lift my hand to check my watch, and we have an hour until we get there. We must've of slept for awhile. Thank goodness we didn't oversleep.

I stay still, hoping Brandon wasn't uncomfortable. I can't believe we slept next to each other. Leaned on each other.

OMG I think an episode of RCS (Roller Coaster Syndrome) is coming on. No!!!!!!!!!! I can't do this here.

I must calm down. No matter how much I want to yell "WHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Or maybe even "SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!"

I glance over at Brandon and he's still breathing softly. I don't want this to end, but at the same time, I don't think we can stay like this forever since we leave in less than an hour.

Maybe I should wake him up. In about 30 minutes. So I lean into him slowly further and look towards the window.

I wonder why Brandon does so many of the things he does. Why does he seem to hold me so highly? Is it possible that he might like me-like me?

I like him a lot, that I'm sure of. Even with everything that we've done together, I still have so many doubts about Brandon's feelings towards me.

Does he see me just as a good friend? Or something way more than that?

I sigh. Why are boys so confusing?! It's annoying. I can't ever tell if he likes me or not. He's never even told me anything.

Maybe it's about time I ask him. Then again, I know I might be too chicken to ask him out or even ask him who I am to him.

I glance at him. He's still asleep, and his hand is on his lap. I know I shouldn't, but..I want to see what it feels like to hold his hand.

Maybe he won't wake up. Maybe I should test it first though. I poke his chest a bit and he doesn't seem to be acting any differently. I touch his head a little bit and he doesn't react except for a interrupted breaths.

Okay Nikki, this is your chance. Just go in for the kill.

I slowly reach towards his hand, and I wrap my hand around his softly so he doesn't notice. His hand is warm and soft, but not soft enough to be girly. I laugh quietly at the thought of Brandon acting like a girl.

That would've been weird. I leave my hand there for only about two minutes, because I was afraid Brandon was going to wake up. I slowly take my hand off his and as I am, I can feel Brandon moving. My heart started to pound loudly and rapidly.

I panic and quickly move my hand back to where it was and try to pretend nothing happened. My face was probably as red as a tomato!

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