The Riverwalk

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Brandon's Point of View

I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest if Nikki stayed in the room any longer. Now we're going to dinner. Together. Alone.

Honestly, I wish I could say I was cool about all this, but I'm so nervous.

I just grab my old jacket and go outside. I lean against the door and sigh.

Nikki comes outside and she mumbles a "Let's go," I can barely hear. She grabs my hand and I feel my face turn crimson.

I'm being such a girl about this. I seriously need to get myself together. I say that, but my heart is still pounding as we walk together.

Her hand is warm and soft, and as we walk into the elevator, she doesn't let go. I would say something, but I don't want us to stop, so I just stick my other hand in my pocket and look at her.

I should say something....

"Hey Nikki," I start, and she looks up at me.

"Yeah?" She says.

"So...what's this place called?" I ask, and she smiles softly and looks away.

"It's called Mark's Outing. They have burgers and hotdogs. We have plenty of time to get there, and since it's a good while from here on foot, we can go sight seeing while we walk. The dinner will be my treat." She replies. She's still not looking at me....she's looking at the floor, but she's smiling so I guess it's okay.

"That sounds cool....and you really don't have to do that, I'll pitch in too." I say, because I brought a good amount of money considering the trip here.

She looks at me and smiles brightly. I grin back. "That's sweet.......You don't need to, but if you really want to, you can."

My heart is pounding. I pray my hand isn't sweaty.

The elevator stops and we finally make it to the bottom floor. When we walk out, Nikki lets go of my hand and I try to mask my disappointment.

We walk out of the lobby and on to the streets. We walk slowly together at first, then making our way to check out the Riverwalk.

(Author Message: The Riverwalk is and area where a river is. There are two sides where we walk on in each side of the river. There are various restaurants and shops open and bands playing there on the sides usually. Huge trees lining the side of the river here and there are filled with luminous lights at night time. )

We talk while we walk.

"How's your sister? Brianna, right?" I ask, and she looks at me and grins.

"Brianna is as crazy as ever. Still love her despite her insanity though," she replies.

"How have you been doing lately?" She asks.

"I've been good. And you?" I say.

"I've been good." She says.

There's a pause in our conversation.

"Hey, um...." She starts.

"Yeah?" I say.

"You know I didn't mean anything I said at the lockers last school year, right? That you were making me miserable?" She looks at me while she says this, and her eyes look soft and sad.

We haven't talked about that ever since she blowed me off accidentally at the lockers last year. Sure, we talked and hung out, but I never got to the bottom of that.

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