The Morning Pt.2

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Brandon's Point of View

I lug the giant case of my stuff behind me and as I look up I see Nikki. She looks really calm and relaxed as she sits on the bench. I smile and walk towards her.

"Hey Nikki," I say, a little nervous since we are alone, but I'm sure I'll be able to enjoy this.

"Hi Brandon," She says, moving stuff out of the way to the other side of her to make space. "Come sit down next to me," She says, smiling.

I don't know if I'm going crazy, but I swear she's blushing. I place my bag next to me and sit beside Nikki.

I take a look at her for second. The green button up looks really nice on her and it lights up her eyes. I chuckle. All I'm wearing is a t-shirt and jeans.

"The bus should be coming in awhile." She says.

"Yup. I guess we're the only ones getting the early bus?" I say, looking around, but no one else seems to be here from our group.

"I guess so. Maybe we can get seats next to each other," She says the last part softly.

"What did you say?" I ask, smiling,

"Let's sit together," She says, and I smile, but I know my face is heating up.

"Okay." I say. I look at the road to see if the bus is coming.

"Are you excited for the trip?" She asks, and I turn towards her. Her face is closer than usual, I realize. I can feel my heart pounding faster. I have to be calm.

She looks into my eyes and then smiles.

"Y-Yeah," I stutter.

She looks away towards the road and she laughs.

"I can't wait to get there! I'm just filled with excitement!" She says, and I look towards the road and see the bus is coming.

"Let's go," I say and Nikki nods.

We grab our bags and walk towards the entrance of the bus together.

We hop on and there are two available seats next to each other and we sit down, putting our bags near us.

Nikki sits in the window seat and I have the aisle seat. She puts her purse in her lap and we are on our way.

I can feel Nikki's warmth next to me and it both makes my heart pound and makes me feel safe.

I look at her and she's smiling. She bites her lip, and then she starts searching her purse and pulls her phone out.

"I downloaded a movie on my phone. Do you want to watch it with me?" She asks, pulling out her headphones and holding out one of the buds to me.

"Sure. What movie is it?" I ask, and I can tell her face is getting red.

"Lady and The Tramp," She says, and I chuckle a little.

I grab the bud and put it to my ear. She opens her phone and clicks the movie. The movie begins and I look at the screen, grinning.

She really likes this movie, doesn't she? I chuckle a little bit and Nikki looks at me, raising her eyebrow, but I just shrug.

She just laughs and looks back at the screen.

Throughout the movie, I look at her from time to time and smile at the look in her eyes. She seems so engrossed in it.

The spaghetti scene comes on and I sneak a look at her. To my surprise, she's looking at me already. We look at each other for a minute, stuck in each other's eyes until we break away and look back at the movie.

My face feels hot and my heart pounds rapidly in my chest. That made me so nervous.

After the movie ends, I hand her my earbud and she puts her phone and her headphones in her purse.

We sit in silence, and I look at Nikki and she's looking out the window. Her hands are in her lap. I smile and take my camera out of my bag.

I look through pictures I've taken and smile as I look back at the photos we took at Fuzzy Friends. Nikki's laughing and smiling. Puppies jump on her. I laugh softly.

Suddenly, I feel a warm weight fall on me. I look at Nikki and she's asleep. She's leaning on my shoulder, and I smile. I make sure not to move so she can sleep.

"Bran..don...." I hear her whisper, and I look at her to make sure she's asleep. I feel heat rise to my face and lean against her too.

"Nikki," I say softly, and I fall asleep, Nikki's soft breathing calming me.

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