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Nikki's Point of View

"WHAT?!" I raise my voice, and I can hear Chloe and Zoey just sighing.

"I can't believe you guys would force that on us," I say, and I can hear some muffled conversation in the background.

"Surprise?" She says weakly, and I just huff at her. She sighs.

"We thought this would finally bring you guys together, and that it would make you happy, Nikki." They both say into the phone, and I just sigh and shake my head.

"That was thoughtful of you, but I just feel like this isn't right." I say, even though inside my heart was racing at the thought of being with Brandon. I kept telling myself it wasn't right this way, but I guess I couldn't help it.

"Look...I forgive you. I'll try my best. Don't tell Brandon about this.....But if he rejects me, I'm going to pin it on you two." I say, and I could hear them high-fiving.  (-_-)

"Yes, ma'am!" They say into the phone like military officers and I laugh.

"Good job soldiers." I say in an equally weird voice, and they laugh at it.

"I have to go now. I'll see you guys after the everything, okay? Oh, and have ice cream for me if this doesn't work out." I say, half-joking about the last part.

"Roger. Chloe and Zoey out!" They say, and I click end. I sigh and sit on the bed, putting my head in my hands. God, how was I going to handle this.

I feel like my heart is going to explode. Should I tell Brandon? No, that would be bad. Wouldn't it? ARGHHHH!

I'll just tell him Chloe and Zoey can't make it. Hopefully Marcus and Theo are coming. I knock on the door joining our rooms.

"You can come in," He says, and I step inside. He's on the bed sitting down, and honestly-looking a bit stressed. Although I'm sure I looked similar, since I just found out I could possibly be with Brandon for most of this trip. And only with him.

I felt an episode of RCS (Roller Coaster Syndrome) coming on, but I did my best to suppress the oncoming "WHEEEEEEEEEEE!" I felt.

"What did the guys say?" I ask, trying to be as calm as I possible could be.

"They aren't coming, something came up," He says, and I feel like something broke inside me. I'm going to be alone with Brandon. I can't find anything to stay in my frozen state for a second, so the room is silent.

The tension feels so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Finally, Brandon breaks the silence.

"So, I...I guess we're going to just have to enjoy the trip here. It would be a waste not to, you know..." He says, moving his bangs out of his eyes softly.

"You're right..." I said, looking away and I could feel myself blushing profusely.

What am I going to do? I'm so nervous...why am I this nervous?

My heart is pounding so loudly in my chest I'm afraid he's going to hear it.

"Hey, um...maybe we should go out to eat. We can walk there, I brought a map with me. It'll save the battery on our phones." I say, looking at him.

"Sure. Where should we go?" He asks, and I don't know if I'm right, but I'm sure he's blushing.

"I think there's this nice burger joint near us." I say, and he nods.

"Let's get going then...." He says, and he gets up.

"Okay, I'll be right back, let me just get my purse." I say, and I run back to my room.

That was actually kind of stressful.

My face is all hot.


And now we're going out.

Wait, is this a date?

But it's not on purpose that we are going out together....

Does he think it's a date?

Is it a date?

Aghhhhhh! I don't know.


I just grab my purse and head to the door. He's ready there. He slipped on a jacket.

Wait. I stop for a second.

It's the jacket he wore when he kissed me.

Ahhhhhhh. Now I'm even more flustered.

My heart pounds when I walk towards him.

"Let's go," I mumble softly and grab his hand and pull him towards the elevator.

His hand is warm in mine.

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