We're Here Pt.2

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Brandon's Point of View

I flop on my bed and sigh. When I woke up, I felt soooooo awkward. I can't believe that I did that in the bus.

I could've woken her up and had her lie down with her stuff or something, but I...I didn't want that. I felt so calm when I watched her. I felt safe, and warm....she looked so peaceful.

Was it a bad idea to do what I did? Does she think I'm creepy now or something?

I want to smack my face against the wall. Guys are supposed to be cool, like in all the movies. They're supposed to be open with their feelings.

But whenever I try to tell her how I feel, or get closer to her, I end up sounding like a idiot.

I want to be more open with her, because she seems so confident in everything she does. Sometimes, I guess I'm just too nervous.

You know how hard it was to ask her to the Halloween dance? It was so embarrassing for me, and I was so nervous when I asked. I didn't like her this much before (Author Note-When I wrote this I meant he liked-liked her, but not as strongly.) but as I got to know her better, she's been so amazing.

I've even got the opportunity to kiss her. It took everything to walk up there during the party and do it. She had wanted us to, right?

Does she like me in the same way? I think she does, but she's never told me the truth. There's the time when I asked her to the cupcake shop, but I don't think she meant it in the love way.

Maybe only in the really-really-good-friends way. I don't know. Girls are confusing. VERY CONFUSING.

I want to bang my head against the wall.

Maybe I should tell her how I feel before this trip ends. She needs to know. Maybe she's confused, too.

Then again, whenever I try to tell her, I just end up staying silent and making the situation awkward.

I sigh and look at the time. It's been about 30 minutes since we got here. I wonder when everyone else is coming. I'm sure Nikki's come out of the shower.

I get up and decide to take a shower too, so I walk into the bathroom.

The bathroom is amazingly cleaned, and various travel sized soaps and stuff are next to the sink. I undress and throw my clothes in a basket in the corner so I can get it later. I grab shampoo, conditioner, and body wash and hop into the shower.

I turn on the water and at first the water is cold and sends a shiver down my spine. Then, it eventually becomes nice and warm, and I relax as the water surrounds my body.

I start to shampoo my hair and I think about various things-like how Fuzzy Friends has been doing and what type of photos I'll be taking here.

I close my eyes and imagine the fun we'll have here. All the memories we'll take from these moments.

I finish showering and step out of the shower, grabbing a towel and wrapping one around my waist and one around my head.

I walk inside the room, and I open up my suitcase. I put on a blue t-shirt and jacket, and slip on some blue jeans. I put on my sneakers, and then I grab my comb to brush my hair out before it starts to puff out.

I could've just kept the same clothes to go out looking at everything, but I decide the shower just made me feel better.

I wonder if Nikki's already set to go sightseeing today. I knock on the door between the rooms.

"Coming," I can hear her say through the door. I hear footsteps coming towards the door and Nikki opens it.

I look at her and her hair is up in a ponytail. Pieces of hair fall into her face, framing her face. She's wearing a blue and green sundress, the colors fading into each other, reminding me of the sea.

Her eyes sparkle when I look into them, and she looks at me expectantly. For a moment, I was utterly speechless, and I started sputtering afterwards.

"What's up?" She says, smiling at me.

"I-I wanted to..to see if you were ready." I said, looking down at my feet. I'm not usually this nervous. Is this because we're alone?

My heart is pounding.

"Well, here I am!" She said. "But I wonder where the rest of the group is."

I look up at her, and try to calm my heart down. I need to think of the problem at hand.

"I don't know where they are, actually. Maybe I should call the guys. You can call the girls, right?" I ask, trying hard to keep my voice steady.

"Sure. I'll go do that." She said, and closed the door softly behind her as she walked back to her room.

I sit back on the bed, and I run my hand through my hair, trying to steady my heart. When did I start liking her this much? When she looks at me that way, she makes me crazy.

I sigh and grab my phone.

I punch in Theo's number and I hear it ring a few times before he answers.

"Hey Theo," I say, and I hear shuffling on the other end before I hear his voice.

"Hey Brandon," He says.

"Where are you and Marcus? Nikki and I have been at the hotel for quite awhile." I say, and I hear a cough on the other end.

"About that...Marcus and I can't go." He says, and I suddenly feel very, very, confused.

"Why?" I ask, and I hear someone else talking to him on the other end. I become suspicious.

"Is Marcus there with you?" I ask, and Theo just sighs.

"Yeah. And we can't go because...because....our family had last minute plans." He says, and I just feel frozen in time right now.

"So you're not coming?" I ask.

"Nope." He says bluntly, and I feel like i am on an emotional roller coaster.

"Do you know if the girls are coming?" I ask nervously.

"Maybe. I don't know." He says, and I'm so lost right now.

"What. Is. Going. On. Tell. Me. Now." I say, tired of playing games. What on earth is happening.

I hear arguments on the other side of the phone, and it goes on for a minute. I try to listen, but suddenly it's quiet.

"I guess we should tell you. We helped plan this trip to get Nikki and you together."

"WHATTTTTTTT?!" I whisper-yell into the phone.

This is not happening.

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