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Nikki's Point of View

I am stunned into silence. What. Just. Happened?


I start to smile. Not just any smile, because I'm pretty sure I'm smiling one of those big, silly, goofy smiles.

My heart is beating hard in my chest and my face feels hot. I'm wearing Brandon's jacket. I'm holding his hand. It's just so....crazy. It's almost like we're dating.


Does he think of me that way?


I think I must've spaced out too long, because I snap out of my own world when Brandon starts waving a hand in front my of face.

"Nikki, you alive?" He chuckles as he waves his hand.

"Yup." I smile awkwardly.

"Good," He says, smiling. Is he blushing?

We finally stop at the restaurant and I talk to the waitress. She gives us a booth and two menus.

Brandon slides into the booth, not letting go of my hand, causing me to slide in next to him. My body was hyper-aware that I was this close to him.

"What would you like to drink this evening?" The waitress asks, a smile seemingly strained on her thin lips.

I look at her awkwardly and say I'd like a water. Brandon orders a lemonade.

The waitress nods. "Okay, I'll be back soon to take your order." Then she walks away.

"Hey, Nikki," Brandon says with a shy smile on his face.

"Yeah, B-Brandon?" I say, stuttering, trying to recover from the major RCS moment from earlier.

"You...you look-" He starts but then the waitress has come back.

"What would you like? Or do you need more time?" She asks, smiling.

I turn towards her and I'm the first to speak.

"W-We're gonna need a little more time," I say.

"Y-Yeah," Brandon adds in agreement.

"Okay, I'll be back soon to check on you all. By the way, I recommend the cheese and bacon burger sliders. Delish! Anyways, be back soon." She smiles even more strained because of how awkward the atmosphere had become by then. She scurries away. I feel bad for her...

I look back at Brandon to find he's staring at me. Our eyes lock. I take a sharp breath. My heart is pounding so rapidly I'm afraid it's going to burst.

We stay looking at each other and looking away and blushing and this seems to go on for hours, but it was more than likely only a few minutes.

Finally, Brandon speaks.

"Nikki," says Brandon.

"Y-Yes?" I answer.

"This...this is really nice..." He says, looking away for a moment.

"Really?" I look at him shyly.

"Yeah..." He says. "Um...anyways, what are you going to get, Nikki?" He coughs and says to me.

He moves his hand away from mine, which makes me disappointed, but I try not to show it and I proceed to pick up and take a look at the menu.

"Oh, yeah, um...I was thinking maybe the hamburger sliders.." I say, looking intently at the menu.

"I was thinking of getting the hamburger with bacon," Brandon says, looking and pointing at the menu, shifting his body a few centimeters closer to mine, and I feel like my heart beats are so loud and disruptive that the entire world can sense how quickly my heart is pounding.

"Hey, um...Brandon?" I say, turning to him, and I'm suddenly startled at the closeness of his face. As if my heart wasn't already going a million miles an hour.

"Yeah, Nik-" And as he turns to me, he seems to also be startled by the close proximity.

We both quickly turn away, and if my face wasn't crimson before, it surely is now.

Suddenly, the waitress comes back with our drinks and asks us, again, what we would like. Me, with the social grace of a potato, stutter so many times I imagine the waitress is wondering if I can even speak English anymore, and quickly order my food. Brandon orders his meal almost as awkwardly as I do. I feel bad for the waitress, as she walks away with a strained smile on her face, and hope she didn't have too much trouble translating my stutters into the English language.

(Author Message: Hey, people. I know I haven't been around in FOREVERRRR. I'm so sorry! I'll update more, I hope, and I'll get the next chapter done with Brandon's point of view done sooon. Love you guys and I have loved seeing all the comments you leave! Thank you.

Shoutout to:













AND MANY MORE! Love you all guys. Truly. Thanks for all the support you give, and all the nice things you say, and all the awesome suggestions. :) )

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