Just So You Know

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Yes, I know Nikki lives in New York. Yes, I know it's impossible to go to San Antonio on a bus when you're coming from New York.

I don't come from New York. I wanted to bring the setting closer to me so that I understand and get you, the readers to see the full picture.

So if any of you were secretly complaining on me, stop and just read, mmkay?

I'm sorry I didn't make it more realistic and go somewhere else, but then I wouldn't get to have as much imagery in the story.

Sorry for ruining the actual setting, but if you really want to think more realistically, pretend Nikki and Brandon flew like two planes to get to San Antonio, TX or something.

And yes, I know the new book is coming out on October 20th. I know!!!! Just pretend mine is a whole different ending, because mine is only for books 1-9.

Okay? Okay. (Lol yes I read the Fault in Our Stars. Sad book ;-;)

By the way, sorry for not really posting that much. I know I should do it more. I know!!!


But I have such a cramped schedule I literally wrote this at like 12:00 AM yesterday and saved it for right now.

Stay Awesome, k guys?


Anyways, see you later.

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