The Morning

853 31 8

Nikki's Point of View

I wake up to my alarm ringing loudly next to me. I lazily get up and drag myself to the shower. I sleepily take off my clothes and hop in.

The water is a bit cold at first, waking me up a little, but the water slowly becomes warm. The warm water runs down my back and it's very relaxing.

I sigh and wash my hair quietly. Thoughts wander in my mind. My mom said she decided she would come to the trip with me as soon as she was done with things. She said she would probably get there with me on the third or fourth day.

I hope she trusts me enough to take care of myself until then. She gave me some extra money just in case anything happens.

I wonder what Chloe and Zoey are gonna do. They were the ones who seemed to have wanted this whole trip. When they told me about the trip they said they were still figuring out a place to stay.

I thought about one of my dad's cousins in San Antonio. He has a huge house, and I wondered if he'd be okay with people coming.

I asked my dad and he called him up and he said he'd be okay with it. As long as we don't do anything mischievous, and don't go to the attic.

As for transportation, Zoey said we were going to have to take it by bus. Zoey said Chloe and her would make it a little late to the second bus, but hope I make it to the first one and that I'll meet them there.

I'm a bit curious as to why they are doing all this, but I don't mind, I'm sure I'm going to have fun. I wonder if anyone else will make the first bus.

I get out of the shower and dry off. I slip on a light green button up with short sleeves, some white shorts, and hop into some Vans.

I brush my hair and use the blow dryer as I brush it. It's early, but I still need to hurry to make it. My mom is dropping me off near the area where the bus is supposed to pick me up.

I put my hair into my usual pigtails and put on some star-shaped earrings. I clip on my white watch that I recently got from my dad.

I place my brush in my bags and unplug my phone. I place the charger in my purse along with my phone. I place my wallet in there too. I slip the pursue over my shoulder and I'm ready to get my bags.

I grab my bags and tell my mom that I'm ready. She slips on her sandals, coming down. She helps me place the bags in the trunk. (I only have two big bags actually! Yay...kind of.)

I hop in the car and my moms turns on the radio and I look outside my window, excited for today. I look at my watch, and we have just enough time. I smile and am practically jumping in my seat.

I'm so excited!


Um...oops. Was that in my head or out loud?

I look at my mom and she seems pretty concentrated on the road. Okay. It was just in my head.

After what seems like forever, we finally get there and I hug my mom and say goodbye. She smiles and hugs me back.

"Remember to call me, okay?" She says, slowly releasing me from her hug.

"Okay, mom." I say, and I grab my bags and walk to the bus stop.

She gets in the car and honks as she drives away. I wave as I watch her disappear into the road.

I look at my watch again and it should be coming in about twenty minutes. I see a bench and sit down, putting my bags beside me.

My purse is with me and I take out my phone, scrolling through old photos and old times. I smile at most of the old and funny memories.

About five minutes later, I hear footsteps coming towards the bus stop. I look up and I see that the person coming towards is none other than....


Wait, did I just make that sound like a detective story?

Well....I guess keep going with it?




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