Chapter 1: The Mysterious Heart

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Chapter 1: The Mysterious Heart

On the foot path of Tiger Rd was a girl named Winnie. Winnie was walking to the main gate of her school. Every weekday she would go to her school called Lionfield East Public School. She was just about to step into the main gate but then Winnie was pushed aside, nearly hitting a tree and falling over. It was a girl that pushed her. She was tall and had very long, silky, black hair. Her hair was flowing behind her. The girl was not wearing the school's uniform. Winnie knew straight away she was not in her school. The girl kept running, dropping something shiny onto the ground. She did not look back to pick up what she dropped. Winnie went to picked it up and shouted "Hey! You dropped your diamond heart thingy!” By the time Winnie finish talking, the girl was not there, she was no where to be seen. The school bell rang.



Winnie wanted to tell her friends straight away. Hmph! I guess I'll tell them later. Yeah, I'll them later at lunch time. Winnie thought to herself. Winnie went to class and waited for lunch to come by. The lesson had bored her and once again she found herself drifting off into her own world. Miss Mad-Hatter, her class teacher, was talking about their project for their HSIE unit on Global Connections. "Here are some companies you could do for your project" Winnie thought that time was slowing down; although she knew it wasn't true. Winnie waited patiently for the lunch time bell to go. She kept looking at the clock every few minutes. Then the lunch bell went.

DING! DONG! Yes! Finally! It’s time to tell them. I should tell them the whole story and bring the diamond heart thingy! Winnie thought excitedly.


Students rushed out of their classrooms. Snatching their lunch out of their bags and stuffing themselves with their lunch. Winnie was patiently waiting for her friends to grab their lunch and sit down to eat. One of her friends was doing something. The rest of her friends were together in a circle eating and talking.

One of her friends saw Winnie looking impatient.

"Winnie. Is there something wrong?" one of her friend said. The rest of Winnie's friends started looking at her, nodding at each other with agreement.

"Yeah. What's wrong?" they all say together. Winnie making a hand gesture to tell them to come closer.

"Well Elise, I've been waiting to tell you guys this, since this morning. It's a long story." Winnie whispered, showing the diamond heart.

"Hiya guys! What's with the huddling up? Are you talking about me or are you telling secrets" someone said looking confused and shocked.

"Shush, Melody! Come in. And talk in a whisper!" Winnie said, rolling her eyes.

"Sorry. I didn't know it was a really big secret." Melody whispered back. Melody walked towards the group of friends and huddled in with her friends. To her surprise she saw the diamond heart in Winnie's hand. "How did you get that?" Melody said staring at the heart. People around them heard her and stared.

"Sorry about that people. Don't worry about us we were just discussing on how to do our Year 6 mini fete. And I got this really cool thing for the fete. Sorry, continue on what you were doing" Winnie shouted.

"Great job on whispering Melody." Winnie muttered sarcastically.

"Winnie that was a great lie!" Nicky whispered.

"So tell us about what happened to you in the morning." Soph whispered, ignoring what Nicky commented. Winnie told the whole story, when she finish, her friends were speechless. There was a long silence but Nicky broke the silence. "So, what did the girl do to you again?"

"She pushed pass me," Winnie replied. "Dropped the heart and disappeared. Why'd you ask that?"

"Dunno. Just curious, I guess."

"It's really pretty, you know." Elise mumbled. They all nodded.

"Its worth as a secret." her friend Tina said all a sudden.

"It's a secret alright. We can not tell another soul. Okay?" Winnie said. They finished their lunch, not talking about the heart.


Days passed, nothing happened. Winnie brought the heart to school everyday, in case she saw the girl again and she could return it back to her. Winnie carried it with her everywhere she went. Winnie started thinking it was hopeless and that the heart was really nothing. But Winnie noticed something too at the same time. Every time she goes near or into the girls’ toilet, the heart shimmered. Winnie thought it was interesting and should tell her friends but thought they would say that was really silly. So Winnie kept it to herself.

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