Chapter 4: Spies & Missions

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Chapter 4:

“We called it The East Lionfield Head Quarters because we are located at East Lionfield. Also many of our ex-spies and now; are from East Lionfield, like you.” Ming explained. “Also some of our missions are at your school to keep you safe. We have a least 3-5 a year. The rest is around the world or out of your school. These are much more dangerous.” Ming stopped, letting the 6 friends take in all the information. “And another thing is that some students come here and not accept to join or by accident will get memory washed. Sometimes they keep coming by accident that we make them join. See the girl over there.” She said pointing at a girl working on a computer. “She is a genius. And to conclude this some spies decide to quit because they think it’s too hard or can’t continue; or they have to quit, they too have to get memory wash. But anyway you girls have a mission especially for you girls only.”

“Wait. After we finish we will also get memory wash.” Elsie pointed out.

Ming nodded and whispered to them “If I was you I will enjoy the time and not waste it by sulking. And just maybe you won’t need to.” Ming winked at them. The friends gave a weak smile.

“Hey. When do we get our mission and start?” Winnie questioned.

Ming smiled and answered “Glad you’re ready! Go to the mission room, there you will be filled in.” pointing at a door to go out. Winnie led her friends to the door while they followed close behind.


They looked in awe as they saw passing agents, gadgets and complex papers. They continued walking; agents of all ages watched as Winnie and her friends walked passed them. They started whispering at each other, giving them strange looks.

“This is creepy. They’re looking at us as if we’re aliens.” Elise whispered. “The ones from out of space. And have googly eyes and everything!” 

Tina stepped forward and took the heart Winnie was holding. “Hello. Nice to meet you and nice to be here.” Tina said trying to smile nicely. “As you can see I have this Diamond Heart thing. Actually it’s hers.” Tina said pointing at Winnie. “Anyway, we are a bit lost and we were wondering if you could kindly tell us where the mission place is. So we could get our mission,” Tina finished, still smiling weakly.

“Hi! It’s over there. Through the door. You are from Lionfield East Public school, right?” a girl said coming over and pointing at a door.

The friends nodded and headed for the door. Winnie knocked on the door and used the handle to open. The door did not budge.

“Open the door with something” the same girl said hiding fits of giggles.

“With what?” Nicky asked trying to pick lock it, realising there was no hole for a lock. “How could you open it with no key hole?”

The girl continued to giggle but did not answer. “What can we use to open to this impossible door?” Melody asked thinking of possible ways. The girls sat down and started thinking.

“What will work? What will work?” Winnie muttered. Then Winnie got an idea. “How could I not think of that? It’s too obvious!” Winnie said making her friends jump and the girl. Winnie started taking the diamond heart out and putting it onto the door. Click! The door clicked opened. They went in, waving good-bye to the girl.


As they went in they saw large computers, many people -some they recognise from school- and many high tech equipment. A kid came in running andbreathing heavily shouting, “Where is the new owners of the diamond heart? Just got the news today. Are they here yet?”

“You know you should breathe and calm down. Also we are here and who are you?” Nicky answered. The kid turned around and stared while the girls gasped. Soph asked “We’ve seen you before. In our school. Remember Melody. We saw him in the playground the other day.”

”Oh, yeah! We’ve seen you. Are you in Year 5 or 6?” Melody asked trying to remember.

“Yeah, you definitely look like someone. So you’re a guy in our school and you are in Year 5 or 6.” Nicky said. Elise started matching boys with the boy.  The boy started looking at them from head to feet, and then he let out a groan. “Why did they choose you guys!” the boy wailed. “I’m Agent Flame but to you guys I’m Kevin.” Kevinstared at each of them and the girls stared at him. They stared at each other for a few minutes until someone interrupted them.

“Uh, I see so you already met each other. Agent Flame would help you and be your guide. Since you came late you can not have any training. Sorry about that.” The person said rubbing his hands. “Let’s get straight to the point. Here is your mission.” The person said handing out papers to each of them-including Agent Flame (Kevin).

Mission: Sydney Opera House                    No. 4168

Mission Name: The Midnight Ninjas

Date: 6th September

Midnight Ninjas are planning an unknown attack. Find out what they are trying to do and stop them before it is too late. The attack will happen on the 6th September at midnight. Capture the ninjas and their boss.

Agents: Winnie Sophie Nicola Melody Tina Elise

        (Owners of the Diamond Heart)

Guide: Agent Flame/Kevin

They finished reading and Winnie asked “Isn’t that in about 2 days or something? And how will we foil their plan, also how do we get there?”

“Yes, it is in 2 days. You are supposed to figure how to foil their plan and you will know, later” the person answered.     

“What’s your name? How do you stop time? You know, at our school everyone stopped.” asked Soph.

“Of course. I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Director Black. I’m the leader of the Diamond Heart missions. And we don’t choose to stop time, the heart does it.”  Director Black replied happily. “Now, you can start your mission now. Now, where are the gadgets? Follow me and you will get your gadgets soon.”

The 6 friends followed the Director to get their gadgets.

“Greetings, fellow spies. I will be scanning you to get gadgets specially made for each of you only.” the computer notified, scanning the friends and Agent Flame. After the computer finished scanning them it started buzzing and then stopped. With robot hands it started handing out their gadgets. “You must not take them off no matter what. You must wear them until your mission is finished.” the computer instructed.

“We must go back to school. Even though, no time has passed. Here is your portal to the girls’ toilets. And mine to the hall. Bye and do not talk to me at school face to face. Use the gadgets.” Agent Flame instructed stepping into his portal. The girls watched and then stepped in.

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