Chapter 6: Alert

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Chapter 6: Alert

“Why are you running away from me? There were guards near the light. There was some simple lock and I opened it but the guard saw the lid open. They had guns and everything pointed at me! Luckily I got distinction on marital arts. Now let’s go!” Agent Flame said running off back to the opening.

You gave us a heart attack! We ran away because we thought you were the Midnight Ninjas,” Winnie muttered nearly slipping. “How did you fight them with their guns ready and pointed at you? Whoa,” Winnie said nearly slipping again. “Why is it wet anyway?”

Agent Flame ignored her comments and continued to run. “I’ll go first and then you. He climbed a ladder and went up. The friends waited for Agent Flame to say they were able to come up. After awhile Agent Flame’s head popped out of the hole smiling, “You can come but I had to make some of the cameras not see us but just see as if it is normal and the room is empty with only guards that are not unconscious. And get ready for anything.”

Each friend climbed out of the hole and stand next to Agent Flame. They started looking around taking in the beautiful room. The room was elegant and matching classical music. “Why would they attack here when it is such a phenomenal place?” Elise whispered still admiring her surrounding.

“Well, would a plan work in a most expected place or would it be least expected place like the Sydney Opera House?” Agent Flame answered.

“How do you know there would be an evil scheme going on?” Tina wondered. “And how did you get the information?”

“Undercover work. Just guessing.” Winnie predicted.

Suddenly the room’s light started to flicker. As the light started to flicker something happen. They saw people appearing out of the shadows and next they grabbed Agent Flame and ran off.

“What-what just happen? Hey, look over there. It is a small note with something on it.” Melody whispered. Winnie walked over and picked the note up.

Sorry about this really short chapter!!!!

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