Chapter 10: Saving the Future From the Past

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Chapter 10: Saving the Future From the Past

A light surrounded the submarine eating away the things around it and then leaving the submarine last. It blinded the girls and Agent Flame. Slowly the light faded away and slowly the passengers in the submarine opened their eyes.

“Whoa, it was so bright. What happen?” Elise mumbled. Ming looked ay Elise and the rest of the friends.

“What did you girls do back when the submarine was filled with light?” Ming asked.

“Well I was sitting and getting blinded, so as Elise and Soph,” Melody reported. Soph and Elise nodded in agreement.

Nicky answered to Ming, “Well as the submarine got hit and everything happened. Me and Winnie was planning ways to be safe in the submarine. Winnie helped with the exits and the map.” Winnie held up the plan that they made.

They looked at Tine waiting for her response. “I heard Ming say “One of the heart’s powers is time” and everything else. So I thought of 11:40. I didn’t see the light because I was concentrating.”

Ming stood silent, thinking for a moment. “Tina you have the powers of time. Which means each of you have some kind of power from the heart,” Ming told the friends.


 The group of spies finished planning and started straight away.

“Ready? We all swim to the bottom hopefully no robot thing will attack us on the way,” Ming instructed.

“Yeah but can’t we just use the heart’s powers and make an air bubble? Then it would be easier to swim.” Nicky suggested.

“Yeah but no one has that kind of power,” Ming replied.

“Well, I can do it! I tried breathing underwater and when I stuck my head in the sea a bubble appeared around my head. Also Melody hypnotise me to sit down and not talk.” As Nicky talked, Melody hypnotise a fish to swim back and forward.  

“I don’t know my power yet,” Winnie sighed.

“I can see things from miles away. Through things too!” Elise answered.

“I can talk in many languages, like animals and things that talk in different languages,” Soph replied. “And I can read things that are coded.”

“Also I can fix things too. Like passwords and secret missions!” Tina added.

“Good now we know all your powers except Winnie, it would be easier. But sadly we wasted quite a lot of time. Tina, could you go back in time?” Ming asked.

Tina nodded and closed her eyes. A bright light surrounded them once more time. “Let’s go!” Nicky shouted after the light. She quickly made some air bubbles for everyone and opened the door and swam out. The rest got materials each and a spare for Nicky. They putted on their air bubbles and swam after Nicky.


 Nicky swam downer and downer leading her friends and the spies to the bottom of the sea. Water rushed through her body and sped through her hair.

“Nicky! Stop! WE need to group up and be in position. Also here is a torch to see in the dark,” Soph cried to Nicky. Soph threw a torch to Nicky who caught it with no trouble. Nicky quickly swam back to the team of spies. Once she came back they putted thumbs up for ready. With the same thought they swam in different directions. They swam into darkness of caves and rocks. They waited for a while for a signal. Nicky and Tina played with seaweeds; Nicky made a rope using seaweeds. Melody hypnotised fishes to swim around her and Soph. After a while of waiting Melody stop to free the fish so it can go back to what it was doing. A flash of light beamed through the ocean- the deep dark ocean. It flashed for a few minutes and stopped. They all got out of their hiding places and headed for a hole in a gigantic rock. Corals, seaweeds and rocks covered the entrance; they swam closer to have a better look.

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