Chapter 3: Secrets

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Chapter 3: Secrets

“Winnie, Winnie” a voiced called out to her. People were calling for her, when Winnie opened her eyes she saw everything blurry. She felt like something hit her head and also felt as if she was in an un-awakeable sleep. Her head was also pounding badly. A thought came across her; this is like in the Harry Potter series. Harry kept feeling his scar hurting but I just feel like my head is going to explode. What is happening? Where am I?   

“I told you! She won’t be awake when that sort of thing happened to her! Told you like a million times!” the voice echoed inside her head.

“Shoosh. I know, just be quiet! She needs time-“another voice muttered back. “She just won’t wake up! Like you know anything! I’ve been-“

“Shut it! We know what you have been all your life. Why are you arguing with me anyway? Is it just because you’re a spy the whole time!”

“Whatever. I don’t care what you say. Now we should shoosh and leave Winnie some peace and quiet.” the person whispered back sounding offended.

Winnie sat up, not sure if she was in another world. Winnie squinted her eyes to the light around her. Nobody seemed to notice she was now sitting on her bed now. “Where am I? Did I end up somewhere else? Nicky? Soph? Melody? Tina? Elise? Where are you?” Winnie coughed in a gaze. Winnie started rubbing her head while her mind kept unconsciously wondering somewhere else, so she lyed back down.

“She’s alright! She’s just a bit dazed in the head. She should of have run through it, any of you pulled the rope to make her run?”

The people in the group looked at each other and one said,”Um. No. Why? Were we supposed to? Cause I didn’t know. I was the second last to come in. So back them I felt a bit dizzy.”

“Yeah. I mean. Wait, what? Why didn’t we pull the rope? I mean us!” the same person from before.

“Are you kidding us? You were supposed to pull because you were the one to tell us!” voices argued back.

“Well you still could’ve pulled without me!”

“You didn’t tell us to pull or do anything!”

“Well Melody. At least she’s still alive! Just chill out already.”

Winnie sat up onto her bed, she was finally conscious of her surrounding. But no one saw Winnie listening or sitting on her bed. “Nicky is right. Chill and shoosh for once. No more big arguments. Okay?” Winnie said. Everyone in the room jumped and looked back at Winnie to listen. “And none of you is helping me. I need peace and quiet.” They all stared and no one said a thing.


Winnie started looking around the room. The room was pretty morden and high tech. It had many computers, devices and many that Winnie didn’t recognise. “So, I’m guessing, from books and movies, that this is some kind of spy head quarters?” Winnie asked.

“You’re pretty good at guessing. Welcome to East Lionfield HQ.’ a voice said behind Winnie. “Well actually it is the ‘Angel’s Heart’ HQ.” the voice continued. “And I’m Ming. You probably recognise me because I dropped the diamond heart.”  Ming started explaining the history of the HQ and the heart. Winnie stayed on her bed and sat listening to Ming.

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