Chapter 11: Spies forever

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Chapter 11: Spies forever

 “Good job spies. You have captured the Midnight Ninjas and saved the world from slavery; from robots and Shadow and his Ninjas,” Director Black said. “But now you have to go and not remember this because the heart goes around for different people to recruit and if you’re lucky the heart protects you so you don’t forget being a spy.”

“What are you talking about? We are staying here and we want to do more missions,” Winnie asked.

“Well, you aren’t a fully or accepted or asked by us. The Diamond Heart gets people to help us but Angel’s Heart never thought of you girls as a spy. So now you have to get memory wash,” Agent Flame explained. “Now you should follow Ming to the Memory Wash room.”

Ming came out holding papers and people following her. “Hello! I guess this is when we say good-bye but I think I won’t need to because I believe you will come back,” Ming said. The friends were listening but was looking at the people behind her. “They will be the ones washing your spy memories. So if you could follow us to the-”

“The Memory Wash Room, yes we know,” the friends said together. Ming stared at them and led them to the Memory Wash Room. “Please sit in a chair and get ready.”

Winnie sat in a chair and looked sideways to look at her friends. The people started putting head gears on them; Winnie saw Ming wink at them and smiled. Winnie head’s started spinning and things started getting blurry and then nothing happened.


Winnie woke up in her bed. What a cool dream! Maybe I should tell them to Soph, Nicky, Elise, Tina and Melody. Winnie thought. She got dressed and was getting ready for school.


“Hi guys! I had this really awesome dream. We were all spies. And there was a spy organisation called ‘Angel’s Heart’. We had powers from a Diamond Heart. And Kevin was Agent Flame!” Winnie told her friends at school.

“I had the same dream like that! I wonder if these glasses cane see through things. I think I press this,” Melody said. Melody pressed a button on her glasses and gasped. “It works!”

“Do you think Ming and Agent Flame-I mean Kevin really works for Angel’s Heart?” Nicky questioned Winnie.

“I don’t know. But there is two ways to find it out,” Winnie answered.

“The girls’ toilet or-” Soph suggested.

“Or we can ask Kevin,” Tina added.

“Well I will choose Kevin. We don’t have the heart any more do we,” Elise noted.

“Yeah I guess. Let’s ask him now or on our watch,” Tina suggested. “I’ll ask him.” Tina started typing on her watch and sent something to Kevin. Not very long they got a reply.

“How come you still have this? And why do you remember? Fine don’t tell the others,” Kevin replied.

“Too late we already know,” Winnie replied.

“Now what! What do I do with you? Might as well let you join Angel’s Heart; again.”

 Winnie ancd her friends all cheered quietly. Kevin walked pasted them and looked at them, then continued walking. Later in the afternoon he made a portal to Angel’s Heart HQ. As they went and appeared in the HQ, people looked at them astonished. Director Black and Ming came out talking but once they saw them they stopped watching.

“I can’t believe you’re here!” Director Black gasped.

“Yay, yay! I knew you wouldn’t forget! I knew. I told you so they will be back! You are now officially a spy of Angel’s HQ! Maybe a bit of training and you’re ready!” Ming yelled smiling.

Winnie and her friends smiled and cheered but not very long after they will have to save the world.

Thxs for reding till the END!!! Please follow me or read my other story:

Key to the Clouds

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