I think we got it?!?!?!

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"It-It's done. We did it right?" Doctor Banner asked warily. He didn't trust any of this, not even the theory behind it all. Last time he ended up breaking almost everything in the 4th story of stark tower and he was still amazed that the farthest he got. Tony Stark just smiled and nodded he seemed pretty sure of himself, but to be honest when wasn't he? If Banner hadn't been so worried he might've realized that Tony was never this quiet. Tony himself was fairly certain this was the right formula but then again he'd been wrong before and really as fun as renovating can be he was getting pretty tired of rebuilding the tower. He kept thinking they could use a more out of the way, closer to the ground, base of operations but that was planning for another time.

Banner removed his shirt and walked into the glass tube gas chamber. He was running out of button ups and was pretty set on keeping this one in good shape. It was a gift after all. Clint Barton pressed a button or two and locked the tube (he'd done this a few times now and knew the drill). Clint was visiting a few weeks back and got roped into the damage control team the last few times this all went wrong. In fact all the avengers were there just incase something went wrong, again. Loki and Bucky were there as well but mostly for observation. Loki found it all hilarious and Bucky was trying to keep out of the public eye for a while.

Banner started speaking fairly muffled but saying something like "Are you sure we should be doing this?"

After a lengthy eye roll from Tony he spoke: "You were there yourself, at least for most of it. Last time we were close. We all saw the change you Hulked out and came back to normal for a bit there. Since you still have the liquid in your blood stream doing this in a gas chamber setting should have a more body wide effect that's more lasting. And really what's there to worry about? I it doesn't work Natasha gets a play date with the big guy and Pepper gets an excuse to get rid of the Ironman memorabilia in the other room. Now no more excuses, you've got this. Are you ready?"
Banner hesitated but after a long pause nodded somewhat defeatedly. Which was just enough to send Tony like a whirlwind, pressing, clicking, and flipping switches and buttons all around.

A green gas began to cloud around Banners feet and ankles. As it climbed the tube it began to completely obscure him. This was all according to plan.
"Hey how are you feeling in there buddy? you You feel angry or like you could Hulk out at all?" Tony spoke into a little speaker that better connected into the tube. It was one of the switches he'd flipped before. He just didn't want to hear Banner complain before they even had a chance to try.

Before Banner could respond or anyone could even be worried Deadpool smashed through the left side window with Spider-Man in an unbroken head lock. Together they smacked into the tube just hard enough for the entirety of its surface to crack in spider like angles and shapes.

The gas began seeping into the surrounding room and quickly filling the space. Too fast for anyone to escape and to thick for anyone to know what effects it was having on those around them. Everyone was overtaken by it.

*Y/n POV*
(Aka Your point of view )

You walk down the street seemingly without a care in the world. However on the inside you were a complete mess. You'd just moved to New York to TEMPORARILY live with your father that day but he hadn't picked you up at the airport.

You figured you could do a tiny bit of sightseeing before going into panic mode but it was pretty difficult to lug your suitcases around with all these people bumping past you. You'd been walking for something over an hour before you finally stopped and sat down on a curb to lose yourself in thought and worry.

For some reason the side walk on this side of the street was fairly empty of people. It had made a nice break from fighting through the crowds but it was still very odd. While mentally avoiding the "what the crap am I gonna do" thoughts and focusing on the "this sidewalk must be boobytrapped" thoughts you hear a loud crash from above you and recognize it as shattering glass when shards start falling all around you.

Teeny Tiny (Avengers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now