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You enter a large room lined with (mostly intact) floor to ceiling windows. This rooms seems to take up most of this entire floor. It's littered with glass shards of every size and shape. You take a a few steps into the room, almost overly mindful of the crunch of glass under your shoes. There are tables all around littered with all sorts of books, papers, and projects. One book on Norse Mythology catches your eye as you pass by it and you start to get a feel for this rooms purpose.

You notice a large cracked cylinder tube as you near the middle of the room and its empty state makes you a little more wary than before. What could've been in there? As you draw nearer to it you see a crowd of very small children huddled around something not 5 feet from the glass cylinder.

You walk over a bit more slowly and try to avoid making any startling sounds. For some reason it's starting to feel too late to back out.. You reach the edge of the kids and see that it's an unconscious man that they've surrounded. He's probably an average height and has dark brown (almost black) curly hair. He looks kind of dead... At that thought you softly push the closest kids aside and lean over the man trying to find a heartbeat and make sure he's breathing. And you are relieved when you find both. You tentatively place a hand on either one of his shoulders shake him. This has the desired effect and he wakes up almost immediately. It also triggers some non-desired effects when he gasps loudly and sits up bonking both your heads.

You vaguely hear a giggle, probably from one of the kids, as you and this man move away from each other groaning and holding your heads. "Are-are you alright?" You ask quickly. "Yes what happened? Who? How did you get in here?" He starts sitting up but pauses when he notices the kids which causes you to do the same. They are so cute but why are they all dressed up like superhero's?

"Oh I'm y/n, I'm not really sure what happened. I was just outside when I saw the window brake and no one was doing anything so I wanted to make sure everyone was okay so I kind of let myself in.. Or JARVIS did I guess..." Your voice trails off and you start feeling a bit more awkward about this whole thing as specially because this man it starting to look too much like someone that you really hope they aren't.

He continues to sit up and everything is silent for a few moments till you hear some one snickering from behind you. The kid who is giggling is wearing a red and yellow iron man suit with a beard and mustache? Probably paint or something right? "What's so funny little hero?" You ask while smiling at him. "Bruce has a crush!" he says with another giggle. "I-I do not! Tony this really isn't the time." Bruce says which just causes more of the kids to join in giggling and as cute as it is you start getting this feeling that these "Kids" just cant be normal kids. The one who looks like Hawkeye hands Bruce some glasses and he puts them on. Yep that has to be Bruce Banner..

You start speaking quickly "Well I have to go, um to my classes. See you all later?" You stand up and start crunching your way toward the door you came through. That was a pretty lame excuse and you knew it. You did move here planning to attend some classes at a nearby university but those wouldn't start for another week. You thought it would be nice to have an adjustment period before placing your brain in a blender for the next few months. You start thinking and re-realize that you really don't have anywhere to go when you leave this place but you can't seem to shake the uneasy feeling something very wrong going on here. Most of the time your little feelings or hunches on these things were right and you didn't want to test it. Even if I ignore everything else I just met the freaking Hulk! What side of the bed did I wake up on for it to have gone so opposite??

When you're about to take the last step, hand outreached to push the door open you feel an instant freezing feeling cover both your legs and lock them in place. You look down to see your feet covered in very thin and strong layer of ice. What?? You try to look behind you and can kind of see one of the kids walking up to you. He is wearing a green and black suit of sorts. He has the greenest eyes you've ever seen but then again maybe the black hair made them look brighter by comparison. He was holding a small and glowing scepter that he had pointed in your direction. He was in a Loki costume for sure. What an odd thing to dress your kid as. As specially in New York of all places but you had to admit that he did look super adorable.

"Thor I want to keep this mortal it pleases me." Since when do kids talk like that? But his voice was so small and cute when he said it. All that maturity his words seemed to have built up came crumbling down when he came up and hugged your right leg; and he wasn't the only one. The one dressed as the God Thor ran at near top speed just to hug your left leg. Looking down at the pair you knew you'd never seen such big puppy dog eyes before. What am I supposed to do? And why don't I want to leave for some reason? They're just some cosplaying strangers kids right??

", Bruce?" You said at last as he walked over to you before responding. "It would help a lot if you could watch them while I make an antidote. Don't get me wrong, you'll be heavily monitored every moment you spend with them but I'll need you to stay here long enough that I can verify that you're clear of any suspicions as far as all this insanity is concerned. Honestly I'm 99% sure that those Spiderman and Deadpool are the soul reason for it but what are the odds of them crashing though just the right window-" He continues to ramble about probabilities and names of people he wonders if he should call in for help before you cut him off:

"Antidote?" You didn't want to know the answer.

"It's a long story. I can only tell you if you agree keep it confidential and know that if you tell anyone SHEILD is going to help with the repercussions. You said you're taking classes? Tony can pay up any difference and probably help you make the connections you need for whatever field it is you're going into. It'd would be best to get to know a bit about you not from JARVIS. Are you good with kids? If not this could be a problem.."

Really he hasn't given me any information to go on that isn't more confusing than what I originally walked into.. But help from The Tony Stark could only bring me more success in the future right? You thought for a bit before deciding.

"Sure, why not help out a bit. Also my full name is Y/f/n, I'm 19 and I just moved here today actually. I'm from Y/ht (your home town). I've done a fair amount babysitting and haven't had any complains yet."

"Great!" He exclaims "Now Loki set her free so I can show her some stuff... I promise she's not leaving." He added the last part after receiving a glair kid Loki. After a few seconds the ice was gone and you were walking with Bruce over to the giant broken tube which you really didn't like being close to. "Okay so you know about the avengers right? No never mind of course you do. Well we are the Avengers and this is Stark Tower."

"But they-?" He cuts you off.

"So I'm the guy that turns into the hulk and Tony stark over there wanted to help me make a sort of antidote so I could always control when I turn into the hulk. I was in the tube there and was breathing in said antidote when that guy Deadpool and that kid Spider-Man broke it so instead of me getting the full dose they all got the antidote as we'll. I can only assume they're small because it was supposed to downsize the Hulk whenever he starts to make an appearance without my say so. I'm guessing that's what made them small but then again I did black out there for a moment and so far JARVIS doesn't have any video proof on it because of the gas."

"But did it work on you at all?" You ask somewhat warily.

"We'll I can't be sure but I'm not angry if that's what you mean." 

Teeny Tiny (Avengers x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon