Hello Wonderful Readers!!

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Alrighty everyone I've got some sort of sad news but it should be worth it in the end.
I'm going to be going on a Christian Mission and for my church that means that I'll be gone for 18 months which I know will be absolutely forever when waiting for a new chapter.

My plan is to go on my mission and through the experience be able to finish up this story when I come back with a more coherent ending as well as more reader interactions with the story (I know how hard it can be to read an x reader story where they keep having the reader explicitly do things you'd never do or eat things that you wouldn't be eating given the circumstances).

All that being said I'm going to put Teeny Tiny through a small editory phase (fixing grammar and such) when I return. At that point I'm going to throw more chapters at you than you even know what to do with!

I originally wrote this story as a means to better express my excitement for finally being able to delve into my creativity and love of marvel after having been in a situation where that just wasn't possible.

I stayed up late nights and spent hours just enjoying the writing of it, but I burned out when I realized how many people were reading. I was scared I wouldn't be good enough and I didn't want to disappoint anyone.

Between now and then I've gone through a tremendous amount of growth and have found it in myself to love myself. I've graduated high school where I had the opportunity to take 3 creative writing classes, and ended up going to college for a Psychology degree (it's a work in progress).

I believe I'm in a better place to write something amazing and I'm old enough to see the value in keeping my word. I'm no longer too scared to try to do my best and that does have a lot to do with all of you.

I had meant to write more on Teeny Tiny this summer but saving up for this Missionary experience took more time and energy than I could've anticipated. And in all honesty I wasn't ready for how many people I'd have to say goodbye now that I'm leaving. I won't forget this book (or my others here on Wattpad) because it will play a role in what I'd like to be my success story.

When I finish Teeny Tiny I will add a link in the end to a very cheap book of poetry that should be available on kindle (and hopefully paperback). It would mean the world to me if you could look at that and give it your feedback.

You guys have grown me into someone with confidence and I won't forget this promise. I WILL write when I get back. Thank you so much for all your comments, likes, and time. I'll see you on the flip side guys 👋


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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