What date?

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A.N. Hey guys I'm so sorry i didn't update!!!!! I got halfway threw this chapter and got a really bad case of writers block!!! I never write with writers block because i always want the best for my readers ya know? I had to stop writing all of my books to get inspired again. I really. am sorry i didn't update when i don't have time to finish a chapter would you rather i wait or just post what i already have cause i run into this a lot. PLEASE PLEASE please answer i really wanna know what you guys think. As always if you want more of one character or me to add a new character please say so in the comments.

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'Thats when. You realized he wasn't wearing a shirt....'

You wouldn't mind so much if he wasn't back to his normal size but now that he was you couldn't help but blush.
'It must have been ripped off when he Hulked out..' You think to yourself. After a moment Bruce seemed to realize the situation you were in and let go.
"You okay?" You ask quietly and brush a curly strand of hair out of his face absentmindedly. A small blush unseen by you makes its way across his face before disappearing all together.
"I don't know what came over me I'm sorry." His voice is horse and quiet and it makes you feel a bit guilty for asking Loki to move you last night.

"At least your back to normal, right? This means we can figure out what's going on and trust me a lot of stuff has been going on that I need help understanding." You smile at him and he gives you a weak smile in return.

After a couple minutes of awkward that involve getting clothes for Bruce and leaving the room so he can change you find yourself in the kitchen popping mini waffles out of the toaster and giving them to the tiny people around the table while Bruce cooks sausage for everyone.

You finish with all the waffles and sit down at the table with your own. You cut off a piece for yourself and hold it up to your mouth and a split second before you can put it in your mouth Peter (spider man) is pulling on your shirt sleeve from the seat next to you. You turn to look at him and see him holding a seemingly clean plate up to you. His eyes look like they doubled in size as he makes the cutest pleading face you had ever seen.

"Fine, but don't tell anyone." You smile at him as you put your fork down and get up and walk towards the freezer to get more mini waffles. Thats when you realize the whole room is silent. You turn to face the table and see that everyone is staring at you with empty plates in front of them, even Bruce.

"Fine." You sigh after a moment and get to work making more waffles. They all cheer and giggle in excitement. When you finish yet again you sit down and eat your food while all the kids try to help wash dishes with Bruse. Every once in a while you laugh under your breath at the commotion going on at the sink.

There was soapy bubbles almost everywhere and water on the floor and counters making you wonder how any of them was still able to stand. That's not even mentioning the fact that every time a dish would fall Peter would use his webs to catch them and dangle from the ceiling.

In all it was chaos.

When you finish eating you go to wash your dish but have it taken by mini Deadpool.
"I can wash it... For a kiss?" He smiles almost creepily but it's still cute, some how.

"Sure, why not." You mumble before pecking him on the cheek.
"She kissed me!" Deadpool yells and everyone goes silent, most if not all of them giving him glares. You on the other hand decide its definitely time to take a shower.

"Hey Bruce? Im gonna go take a quick shower that okay?" You ask but don't even wait for an answer as you already start walking towards the hallway.

Just before you close the door to what you had just claimed as your room you hear Bruce mumble something like a yes or ya.
You close and lock the door and head to the attached bathroom which you also make sure to close and lock. You look in the mirror and notice a bit of a dark shadow forming under your eyes weather from stress, lack of sleep, or make up you weren't sure and frankly at the moment you didn't care.

You take your phone out of your pocket and continue your daily routine of showering (I ain't yo mom you shower as you please lol)
Once you finish you realize you had spent a bit more time showering than you had meant to though you really did need it.

You wrap a towel around your waist and check your phone. Theres one new message from an unknown contact. After opening up messenger (or what ever you have) you see the message.

"You ready for our date? Or were you planning on standing me up?"


Teeny Tiny (Avengers x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora