Frazel- SOS- School

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Hazel POV

Things sure are different at schools int eh 21st century. There's more information about things in science, history and math, more books to read in English, words mean different things, and things have different names. There's a computer class now, and y'know, computers. But one thing hasn't changed: Bullies. There, of course, aren't as many racial slurs, but a small, and seemingly, weak girl with freaky eyes? That's just as much of a reason, apparently, to tease someone. Then there's the other breed of bully, those who hit on me. Apparently, I'm pretty...? But I'm also 14. And I have a boyfriend...However, saying 'No' to someone is cause for more bullying. Do  you see my dilemma?

Oh, and Frank doesn't have to go to school. Apparently, one praetor must be at camp year round (unless they're on a quest), which means Frank goes to school in the mortal world every other year, and Reyna takes the years he's at camp. They keep up with their education, of course, on their off years, at the New Rome high school. 

But not everyone is bad. There's this one girl, who always wears converse, a t-shirt from a show or book series, and always has a book in her hands. Her name is JJ, and she is now my best (and only) friend at school. She has blond hair that tumbles just past her shoulders, that has soft waves sometimes, and blue eyes so dark they were almost black. Her real name was Jennifer Jereau, but everyone just called her JJ. 

We met when i  moved to the school. She had come two days before, but she defended me from some senior who was hitting on me. 


i sat in front of the school in Frank's car. He'd gotten leave for a few hours to drop me off, since he was an awesome boyfriend, and I can't drive. "Remind me again why you have to go to school?" he asked. 

"Because the gods think we need to get away from demigod life for a while. Oh, and protect the mortals from the monsters that they can now see." That's right, the Mist fell. "You should be thankful that you don't have to go this year, since Reyna gets the first year." 

"Yeah, I know. It's just, I'm gonna miss you. You can't come back to camp until summer, so I won't see you for 9 months! Now you might need to go before I defy the gods and take you back to camp." He whined. 

I rolled my eyes and got out, slinging my backpack over one shoulder. I shut the door and waved through the window, before beginning my walk to the front door. 

On the way, I was intercepted by a tall, buff guy with blond hair, hazel eyes, and a mindset that obviously centered around himself and his 'attractiveness.' "Hey wanna come to my house on Friday and have some fun?" He asked.

That's when she intervened. "Wow, you didn't even ask her name! Or if she's legal. I know, Brad, that you are, in fact, 18. Therefore, if you have 'some fun' with her, you get arrested. Now walk away and stop talking, you lover the IQ of the entire school." 

"Who the hell are you?" He asked, annoyed that someone had gotten in his way. 

"The girl you hit on two days ago asshat!" She said. 

This made the guy blush and walk away muttering a "Sorry." 

The girl chuckled to herself as she faced me. "He didn't really hit on me." She confided, "But I figured he wouldn't remember who his last screw was, more or less, some freshman who turned him down. Anyway," She said, holding out her hand, "I'm JJ, what's your name?" 

"Thanks, JJ, I'm Hazel, daug- I'm new here, and starting late in the year, and I've already been hit on." Whoops, almost spilled my secret on the first day!

"Well, brace yourself. You're abnormally gorgeous, and they're a lot of single- or willing to cheat on their girlfriend type-guys. And I can't help too much on the whole 'starting late' since I started like, two days ago." I laughed. 

"So I guess we're in this together?" I asked. 

"Yeah, I guess so. Y'know, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship." She replied, linking her arm with mine and leading me into the school. 

~~End of Flashback~~

And here she comes... nope she's going into the library. However here comes a bully. "Hi, freak." Ugh, Sally Donovan, bitch extraordinaire. 

"What do you want Sally? Another quick quip about my apparent lack of friends or boyfriend? Or is it going to be another original comment about my parents? Or, are you going to change it up a little and make fun of my eyes? Because believe me, I've heard it all." Ok, yeah, totally not like me, but this girl has been harassing me all year, and I'm tired of it. 

"Nope, I've come to ask out the new guy with the locker, unfortunately next to you." I'm just glad even the dumb ones can form a coherent sentences. Perks to a selective school, I guess. 

"Wonderful, glad to know who you will be-" I was interrupted by a large figure in a hoodie striding up next to me. Oh good, another guy who smokes pot. 

"Hey, is this locker 287?" A gruff voice asked.

"Yeah, that's it, right next to mine." I replied.

That's when everyone in the hall gasped. "What?" I snapped, pretty annoyed with Sally and her goons. 

"He spoke in a real language, and you spoke back in the same language like nothing was wrong." One of her minions, Anderson, explained. 

"What? No I didn't! The only person I could talk in another language to, and knows where I am is... Frank?!" I whirled and faced... not Frank. Instead it was Frank's father! "O-oh, you're notFrank. But you are closely related to Frank, my apologies, sir." I said, rather shakily, bowing my head to the god. 

"Hazel, we have no time for formalities, and I don't want to be here longer than I have to. My son is waiting outside to take you to Olympus. Your cousins were on their way, but Frank received a request to pick you up. But he can't come in because of some shit rule, so my half sister made me do it." Mars said. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, can someone please explain what the hell is going on here?" Sally exclaimed. 

"Oh, that's easy. Hazel's a demigod daughter of Pluto, she saved the world, and I called her very real boyfriend when my boss told me about a meeting Hazel had to attend. Also, step off Hazel before I step on your windpipe." JJ said, rather calmly as we looked at her kind of freaked out.  "What? Oh, do you thin I stole that right from Frank?" She asked, seeming to regret her threat, but for the wrong reason. 

"Oh, I like her." Mars said. 

"Who are you actually?" I said, ignoring the god's comment. "Are you a-"

"Demigod?" She cut off my question. That seemed to be happening a lot lately. "No, just a mortal being paid to save some ships while they're in mortal school. Or in this case, defend half of one. But name really is JJ. But go to Frank, he really misses you. Your future father-in-law has places to be and I have windpipes to crush. Toodaloo!" She wiggled her fingers at me while I walked out, her voice oddly cheerful for the subject matter. 

"We are not done." I told her. "But... bye school!!" I said walking towards the door and my wonderful boyfriend. 

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